

Dear Real Me
I may just be your shadow, walking near you whenever the light is shining on you. I may not be perfect or shaped the way you expected but I'm by your side every moment of the day, even in the dark when you can't see me. We can't talk or share stories but I know the real you. I'm with you through all your adventures and I grow with you as you get older.
I'm like your little lost puppy, I go wherever you go. When your head is down so is mine, when your head is held high so is mine. We walk in the same footsteps, that's how we are connected me and you.
Remember when you were little we used to make figures on the walls?! We tried so hard to make butterflies and bunny rabbits and tell stories late at night with our flashlight. We laughed and fell asleep side by side.
But we don't interact anymore...why is that?! are we no longer friends?! Am I just there to guide you through the light?! How come we don't play like we used to?! Remember that time when we were little you tried to chase me down, we were so close. Now I'm just your shadow, Now I just follow you wherever you go.
I said goodbye to the butterflies and bunny rabbits a long time ago but just know whenever you see the light, I'm there and I will stay up with you all day long.

I do have one request though, please hear me out. I need a friend. Can you introduce me to your children?! I know we could have lots of fun together, just like we did when you were small. Show them now that I can be anything they imagine. Puppy dogs, Dinosaurs or even butterflies like I used to show you.
I miss making memories in the light, lately it's just been so dark.

Your Shadow.