

the dock side of the story
in a small town near the dock siade a blueish red boat docks everyday at 3am. Every night boat brings diffrent types of shipments but tonight people where the shipment.
The people are tied up on the cargo ship some were locked in little cages.Kids had wide eyes parents wanting to scream. the towns people heard a loud boat horn usually unless there is an emergency boats are banned from blowing their horns at night there's plenty of signs around the docks if it's accidental that's fine but otherwise you'll be
fined $100 or more could be sentenced up to one week in jail for tormenting the townspeople with your loud sounds. The townspeople were running towards the doc

thinking there was an emergency when the captain stormed out holding a crutch asking for money otherwise the people will be thrown into the sea to never return people were scrambling through their pockets men were going through their wallets kids were forced to get money from their piggy banks inside their homes women streaking in fear. You have until 8 a.m. yelled the captain to get me my money I want $10,000 in grand total I need to pay off my debts. Soon the mayor came by to ask what all the Ruckus was for the captain shoved him into the boat and trapped him in a dog cage and put a leash on him the captain yelled I want $10,000 by 8 a.m.. We know said the townspeople. the mayor asked for the police men give me my police men.

get me my police men but the men two were tied up in a building not too far away. The captain threatened to put the building on fire if the mayor and the townspeople did not hand over $10,000 by 8 a.m. My men will break out said the mayor they're very smart people. Not alas said the captain well laughing I must tell you I bought the finest rope to tie them up in. and the cages are made from shock steel with bricks around them and the bestest of concrete from a five-star Builder. Whatsaid the mayor you could have saved that money to go towards your debts. Ugh said the captain I don't need your advice especially because it's as dumb as your face har har. Now said the captain I can get along with my day and released these passengers back to their location of whom they came from or whatever. if you would just hand over the $10,000 I would also free your men you don't have a town or a police force without them. The mayor had an idea in his head he told the captain while Whispering into the caption's ear I'm going to go to the mayor safe and get you your money. But the mayor didn't tell the captain is that he wasn't going to give him real money he was going to give him Confederate bills that looks real.

The captain agreed and told him he could go get his stuff. the Captain was getting ready to tell his crew do free the police men at once. I got the Pirates crew. laughed the men. but mayor came back with a briefcase it was as fancy as a Chanel bag but next up from Gucci wow said the captain if you give me that expensive briefcase and said I won't need the money I can pawn it off for the money. Not a chance said the mayor it's a rarity it was customized just for me by Gucci and Chanel they work together I paid that good money for money that you can't afford right now. Captain was getting frustrated at these insults the mayor was telling him. The captain yelled at the mayor and hand

over the briefcase immediately the mayor opened up the threes caseload signaling to his men. Man took out the rifles as the captain was looking at the money he gasp in amazement how did you get that much money Mare just to distract the captain the mayor said well let me tell you the story of how I became the mayor and he did. By the time the story was finished the policeman had the captain surrounded. When the captain wasn't looking they all held their rifles near the captain the captain tried to yell at his Men but it was too late his men were already drowning in the water the captain Was Defeated the captain's crew now all that was left with the captain his men were still alive though swimming to the nearest Island they didn't actually drown they were just pretending. Captain was arrested and he had so many charges by the time he was done getting sued he had no money left he has also been forced to serve 30 years in prison for all the crime he had done today. To this day we don't know the captain's name or what he looks like or who he is the captain has died in prison because he refused all the food at one point he has a grave but no one goes to visit it. not even his family's but some say every Thousand Years the captain comes back to haunt the people of this town and especially the mayor and policeman.

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