

We are often bad in someone's story and we know that but we shouldn't be bad in our story in our own mind.
"Forgiveness"This particular term is so important. You must be able to forgive and by this I don't mean forgiving others for what they've done but I also mean forgiving yourself for not knowing where in your life you were heading until you experienced the pain and learned it.
I'm talking about forgiving yourself for all those things that you knew but you couldn't keep yourself aside from that pain and eventually you fell into allowing that pain enter into your life.
Never judge yourself for your mistakes. There's nothing wrong with feeling guilty because of the past mistakes you made and which actually lead you to fell into that everlasting pain. Carrying pain inside you is completely okay but never let shame enter inside you.
Guilt to an extent will keep you awake for not repeating the same mistakes again but having shame inside you will slowly incapacitate your feelings your emotions,your actual self and personality it won't let you grow and will make you believe that something's wrong within you which is actually not true. We all mistakes and we should learn to forgive..
© sanara