

Selfish Love: Chapter 9
When Ryhnee started the car, Yuna looked straight into Zury's eyes as she held Ruru's hand and sat at the back seat of the car, Zury was shock to see how over protective Yuna is around Ruru, and how she isn't accepting someone to joke with or to Ruru. So she laughs it off as she says "calm down yuna, im sorry okay? Its just a joke most of my classmates do" and sat on the front seat next to Rynhee, then Ryhnee secretly stares to Zury, but Zury felt it
"Whaaaat?" Zury was already annoyed, Ryhnee just laughs and started driving. They bought some snacks while they're on their way, and while they're riding, Yuna looks to Ruru, she was looking outside the window, so Yuna just decided to hold Ruru's hand
"Im really thankful we've come back together..its been years..yet..she's still the same Ruru i know, my poor innocent Ruru..she's been hurt..i promise i will protect you even if it costs my life" Yuna said to herself, then she felt Ruru's hand holding hers back, when she looked, Ruru smiles.
"I see something romantic at the back theeere!" Zury jokingly said, "Close your eyes rynheee!"
"Argh! Why are you looking anyway?! There's so much to look at! And you looked at us?!" Yuna got pissed off, Ruru was just awkwardly smiling.
"Eyyy im just jokinnnng! Chill!" Zury just keeps laughing
"Ughh Zury, dumb as ever, how could i close my eyes while driving?" Rynhee laughs.

Meanwhile, while Maruqez is looking at a black hoodie with cat ears, Itsuki slowly hugs her from behind and gives her a kiss on her cheek, Maruqez quickly slipped down to get out of Itsuki's hug as she says "what the!..what are you doing?!"
"Hmm? Giving you a hug?"
Maruqez blushed but she was mad
"Can you PLEASE stop being so annoying?! You're so annoying! I feel like destroying this whole shop! Including you!"
Itsuki suddenly changed and grabs Maruqez's collar then pulls her close "dont talk to me with an attitude, dont you dare tell me to stop"
Maruqez was frightened yet shock, Itsuki pulls her even closer as she says "tell me you're sorry.."
Maruqez suddenly got a flashback.."How dare you?! Tell me you're sorry!" Ruru was getting choked by Maruqez..
Maruqez suddenly runs away from Itsuki, she just stood there, madly watching Maruqez run away. As Maruqez runs, she was really frightened, "those words...are the words i said to Ruru when she's not cooperating with me!..but she cant hold me like the way i hold Ruru! She has no reasons!! I should fight back!" Maruqez said to herself then continue walking..then suddenly she got a phone call from her parents,

"Hello mom"
"Tomorrow we will visit you and stay with you for a week, we missed you"
"Aww, okay, i will prepare the rooms"
"So how are you and hows your sister?"
Maruqez got nervous when she realize she will be in a big trouble if Ruru dont return while her parents return,
"Oh sorry mom, we are both doing fine, how about you?"
"We are doing pretty good! Cant wait to see you both tomorrow! Take care!"
Maruqez felt really terrible, but she doesn't feel like calling Ruru
"I guess..i will call her and tell her about it at noon, i got my allowance..but its not enough to get a taxi..im..really far.." Maruqez saw a stair way, she decided to sit there and just watch the cars. Meanwhile, Ruru and the others are having a relaxing time at the park, eating snacks together, then Yuna says "Awkward silence.."
Zury replied "it sure is, i guess we dont have topic to talk about all together"
Rynhee cuts in "i do have a serious topic"
They all looked to her, she then lies back and says "what a nice weather today, isn't it?"
Aaand they all looked at her disappointed and awkward, Ruru accidentally laughs weirdly, so they ended up laughing, moments later, they were heading to a fast food.
They started looking at the menu, then it started raining, none of them cared but Ruru just keeps looking outside, Yuna holds Ruru's hand as she asked "are you okay?"
"Yeah im okay.."
Yuna felt suspicious
"Okay...check the menu, see what you want"
So Ruru checked the menu, but she puts it back down and says to Yuna "i will order the same order as you"
Yuna replied while smiling
"You really dont change"
Yuna ordered mushroom and swiss burger, Zury ordered a beef burger, and Rynhee ordered a chicken burger.

Then as they were eating, Maruqez couldn't find any better place for her to sit, and she's already wet, so she just decided to walk in the rain like she mean it. Meanwhile Yuna and the others were done, they saw a shop that sells cute items, so they decided to check it out but..Ruru spotted Maruqez and she panicked. Ryhnee was confused until she saw where Ruru was pointing at, so she stopped, puts the window down and calls Maruqez. Maruqez just slowly turns around, Ryhnee said "Come in!"
But Maruqez was just sadly looking at them and turned her back, But Ruru got outside the car to pull Maruqez in, Yuna was shocked and got mad, "ruru! Go away!" Maruqez shouted as she aggressively tries to get away from Ruru,
"just get in! Please! You're going to get really sick!"
Maruqez just sighs as she enter the car, but since Ruru lets Maruqez in first, Maruqez was between Yuna and Ruru, Yuna just depressingly looks outside the window, while Maruqez looks down feeling guilty. Then Maruqez decided to tell Ruru..
"Ruru..our parents will come to visit us tomorrow.."
"Our parents?" Ruru is confused, But Maruqez doesn't know how to explain it, the others were shock to hear what she just said,
"My...parents are also your parents.." Maruqez felt so terrible
"So..you mean.. this whole time..we are sisters?!" Ruru and the others felt disgusting, but Ruru was also frightened and worried.
"And..if she doesn't see you..it would be my fault..i will get i trouble..so..please.."
"I thought...we were just best friends.."
Maruqez was shock with what Ruru just said
"Well...when i decided to keep you with me..my parents also decided they would adopt you...but as we get older, i think you slowly forgot about it..and started acting not as a sister..but as a friend..and since we are not blood related..thats where i start to make my move.." Yuna secretly clenched her fist in anger.

Then Ryhnee said to herself "oh dear..i hope everything goes well if Ruru returns..which i bet it wont.."
Ruru tried not to cry, so she looked outside the window, one bad thing..when Maruqez arrived home..Ruru had to go with her.. Ruru and yuna hugged eachother, but while they were hugging, Yuna whispered "Be careful Ruru, if anything happens..call me.."
Maruqez was just standing there watching them, waiting for Ruru. Then when Ruru enters the house, Yuna and the others left. Maruqez felt so terrible. But Ruru still doesn't believe her, so she asks "where's the prove that im really adopted?" Maruqez went to her room to get the paper, and showed it straight to Ruru's face, Ruru was so shock, and began crying..then fell on her knees, Maruqez felt so bad, so she hugs and tries to calm Ruru down, but Ruru aggressively pushed her away, making her fall down as Ruru yells "GO AWAY! YOU'RE HORRIBLE" Maruqez was just completely shock to see how mad Ruru is, and it was the first time she got pushed away by Ruru that hard, so she stood up to go to her room, and silently cried there.
"Im sorry Ruru..i already know im such a terrible person.." but then Maruqez decided to talk to Ruru, so she went out, Ruru cried even more when she saw Maruqez was crying, but Maruqez said "im sorry ruru...i already know im such a terrible person..but i really cant help it!" Maruqez clenched both of her fist as she cries more and said "its not my fault you became my sister! They wanted to adopt you! And from the time i met you! I felt something in my heart! You cant believe how it hurts to watch them adopt you and seeing you become my sister!" Maruqez cried terribly, but she tries to stay silent "and like i said before...you were forgetting about it..thats why i thought we could be a thing together..never thought about this kind of days to come.." Ruru was shock
... they just stared at eachother while quietly crying..