

The Amiss Spot

At the glimpse of the sun, I swam into the amiss spot and instead of floating at the top, I was sinking deep down in the abyss, and I became a bit panic and started struggling to find my way out yet my efforts was as though I am not doing anything.. I kept on struggling with all my might to secure my safety, yet, my struggling was as though I am bringing more danger to myself..then I needed to calm down and try finding my way out gently by seizing my breathe, but my lack of ability and experience couldn't save me..I started to regret ever embarking on a journey am not qualified to have embarked on, I resented myself ever starting what I couldn't finish.. yet, I was made to understand that, the one who tends to make a step ahead will always find help to keep on moving forward... I was tired of struggling any further, I stopped waiting for help, and just at the precise moment I heard a sound of someone diving into the abyss. not quite long I saw someone swimming towards my direction, he gave me a push up, then I swam beautifully up and then to the second push I swam out of the dangerous stop..

© Aniedi Victor David