

Legally Privileged
“My name is Antony Brown and this is my confession. It was a day unusual as the rest…”
The coldest of days took place on the 5th of January 1975. The small industrial town of Misty Mountain came to a standstill; when the announcement aired live over on the towns’ radio station.
Point.75 Radio was runningwere running their usual morning headlines; announcing the days forecast, the good Morning Prayer from Pastor Albert Kent Machesney, the daily activities that had been planned ahead by the town’s mayor and various recurring points.
Many other towns surrounding Misty Mountain were rather usual. The ones that one can get used to, a little too much, a little bit more of unexpected occurrences like the curious case of Mr Benjamin Button.
This town in particular was an odd one. The townsmen of Misty Mountain can be summed under the addition method. It’s the smallest of towns in the Anone region, covered by a misty cloud of white ash falling gently to the ground, the homes made from black and grey marble, the streets made from smoothened molten rock, the few citizens covered under their pale skin and upright postures dressed by Mr Sad Black; the towns tailor.
The announcement was of the murder of Mrs Gladaenia Stand. The Stands were the wealthiest family in Misty Mountain. They made their fortune by selling advice; the legal way. The murder was a mystery yet to be solved as Mrs Gladaenia’s death made great headlines broadcasting over and beyond the misty cloud of Misty Mountain.
A mystery indeed, Mrs Gladaenia was approaching her 85th birthday and was to announce the next of kin. However, after the great separation between her children set foot, upon the unfortunate death of her husband, she had placed her will in the keeping of her youngest son. Leaving him to carry the weight of the eight children she raised as her own.
“The natural attraction life brings in the form of death has a possessive hold over the human soul.”
It was late and the streets of Misty Mountain were growing emptier by the hour. The youngest of the eight, Antony Stand, was gazing through a window by the kitchen door which leads down the passage to the main entrance of the manor. The manor was quiet and not a single word echoed from the walls. It was as if the walls were silently listening. Waiting the judgement bestowed by the hands of time. Time itself has no enemy but the hands that count it.
“That must be your siblings Master Antony.” Says Lily; the help.
Lily has been a part of the family since her 16th birthday. She was found by Mrs Gladaenia two weeks prior. The state in which Mrs Gladaenia had found Lily in, was that of only which the Lord could intervene; Lily had been barbarically raped and forced to hopelessly wait for death.
“You must have been looking forward to a wrinkle in time… haven’t you Master Antony?” Says Lily as she lays her hand over the young master’s shoulder.
“How long has it been master Antony?” she adds.
“Seventeen silent years Lily,” says the boy with a neutral gaze. “There is a new detective in town. He should be making his way by now” Says the young boy as he makes his way down the long narrowed passage.
Antony Stand would too often be regarded as a shy young fella, an upright posture missing completely from his native descents, a venomous tongue and his skin like the shade of gold;
“Johngold, “John Wiseman by the way,” Says Antony, “his name is John Wiseman. He assisted the governor with his rape case.”
“The governor did end up in chains Master Antony,” Says Lily.
“Exactly,” Says Antony Stand walking with the shine of his radiant pride; chin held high, arms accordingly placed at his back as if he is a mercenary of vengeance: “here to end the borrowed time we all been living on.” His black tailored leather jacket reaching down to his knees and a Mister Sad Black cotton suit. Antony’s gaze and the stare in his eyes are oblivious to the purpose of blinking.
“I chose him for a purpose Lily,” stopping to gently swift his attention to Lily’s curious eyes, “we need a firm fella for our Stand presentation. Everyone loves a good love story Lily.”
A 1975 Lincoln Continental transporting Antony’s brothers and sisters is lead to the front of the manner. The signature black represented by the Stands is coated over the cart with their firm emblem shining in its radiant gold.
The first to exit the Lincoln is Scarlet Stand Antony’s oldest sister; a quite shy one she is. Scarlet is the restless of them all, standing a persuasive 4’14 feet tall, a dime, and a Psychopathic schizophrenia. Scarlet spent 7 years in jurvinail prisin for murdering 5 of her high school friends.
“You know… the papers still want to know why I did it Ant!” mumbling the words from her mouth as she takes her last gulp from her wine bottle.
“They always need a scoop of dog shit to dig up; fucking news reporters!”
“I’ve been proven wrong for the 73rd time of my existence on this grey planet sister,” Says Antony with neatly placed pride.

note: hi guys... This is a book that I'm currently working on. please tell me what you think.

© Write Handerz