An Arendelle Adventure
For with a swift summer's breeze, starts a morning in our trees. Just a normal day, like any other, from humans to hide, our tiny selves, our wings from rain, our fairy dust, O all the same. In our tiny town, Arendelle, for I live, Avery Adelle. On with our day we went, as to our works we'd been sent. I'd been assigned to paint butterfly wings. I was on the last wing, when a voice I heard sent me startling. "Averyyy! Hiii!" My little sister that would be, as she is, just Aubrey. She's lovely, it's just that for things that she does, trouble seems to head for us. Not on purpose I'd say, it just happens to be that way. "Hey Aubrey, how are you?" I ask. "I'm good, that's an interesting wing." she says. "Yeah... sure is." I say. Well, since I was done, we went to meet the other fairies....