

An Arendelle Adventure
For with a swift summer's breeze, starts a morning in our trees. Just a normal day, like any other, from humans to hide, our tiny selves, our wings from rain, our fairy dust, O all the same. In our tiny town, Arendelle, for I live, Avery Adelle. On with our day we went, as to our works we'd been sent. I'd been assigned to paint butterfly wings. I was on the last wing, when a voice I heard sent me startling. "Averyyy! Hiii!" My little sister that would be, as she is, just Aubrey. She's lovely, it's just that for things that she does, trouble seems to head for us. Not on purpose I'd say, it just happens to be that way. "Hey Aubrey, how are you?" I ask. "I'm good, that's an interesting wing." she says. "Yeah... sure is." I say. Well, since I was done, we went to meet the other fairies. Alice was almost done collecting crystals, she needed help with a couple, so I went on to help her with them. "Aubrey, stay right here, don't go anywhere." I told her. "Alright" she says. It was when I was done helping Alice, that I realised Aubrey wasn't there. Alice and I went to look for her. It's a small town, she couldn't have gone too far. After a while of searching we couldn't find her anywhere. So, we asked the other fairies to help us. We searched the entire town, but she wasn't there. "She couldn't have wandered off to the human houses, right?" Alice asks. "I don't think so, but honestly, with Aubrey, you can never be too sure." I say. We split up and went to search for her at the human houses. We had to be really careful since we couldn't expose ourselves to humans. Our fairy dust kept us invisible to them. We put on a good amount of fairy dust on us and went to search for Aubrey. She wasn't to be seen to the humans as she was just 9. A fairy remains invisible to humans 'till the age of 10. From 11 onwards, they've got to start using fairy dust. We had to find her before the fairy dust ran out. After a while, Alice came rushing to tell me that she'd seen Aubrey and that she was following the butterfly whose wing I'd messed up. An insect collector found it fascinating and captured it in a glass bottle and accidentally captured Aubrey in it too. Though, I'm sure if she wasn't invisible to him, it wouldn't have been so accidental. We all gathered to go save her. We went to the house and got her out along with the butterfly. The butterfly flew it's way. We all headed home. On the way, it suddenly started raining. Our wings got all wet and the rain washed away out fairy dust. We were then visible to all humans and couldn't fly with our wet wings. We took a pathway under the leaves hoping not to be seen. On our way, we found a shoe just floating over a stream of water leading our way back home. We used sticks to paddle the shoe. On the way back,we encountered a frog to whom we looked like flies and fishes that we somehow only seemed to pass by. Through everything, we still managed to reach home safely. By the time we came back Arendelle, the shoe was completely wrecked.

The story is indeed inspired by Tinker Bell. I wrote it for a school project and thought I'd share it with you all. I put my own poetic twist on it and I hope you enjoyed it.