

The House with the red walls
chapter three

We ran for about 6 miles without stopping,i was out of breath ,how is he not?.I try to speak but the only thing that comes out of my mouth is air.We stop at the entrance of some woods were he finally puts me down.

"If u move i will kill u "he says to me ,with those words my legs tremble. He puts his hands on my hips to hold me from falling ,then says something under his breathe something about "RELEASE blah..blah...blah SPELL" .And suddently i can move .

I think about running but when i remember what he said to me and how fast he ran, i try to stop the my body from moving.Somehow he can tell what am thinking and his grip tightens. we moved into the woods and the deeper we go the darker it gets.

We finaly reach a open space were the grass is a beutiful green and the light of the moon shines on it..he lets go of me and starts to chant something and the woods in front of us desapper .

From there a village appears... its lit by the moon u can see different people moving around some wearimg robs while others look like they came out of a harry porter movie,kids running around shooting what i think are paint balls out of thier fingers.

We move into the village to a small hut were he opens the door.I slowly enter ,its a small room with a bed ,a closet and a shower .he throws me a blue rope tells me to take a shower and wait for him.I watch him walk out of the hut and close the door behind him.

I never realised he was so cute but no ..no this man just kidnapped me and threatened to kill me i shouldn't be thinking about him .I take a shower removing all the bad things that happend today .After the shower i put on the rope and sit down waiting for Blue (thats what i will call him until i know his name)

The door opens and two men enter i try to scream but it seems like no one can hear me ,they come closer and pick me up by my hands .They carry me to the biggest hut were i think their king or whatever they call their leader lives the two guards at the door open the big door and am thrown into

© Tiff