

Mister Virus now love African people. Mister Virus chapter 30.
I remembered that Mr. Virus always spoke ill of Africans. He used to share all the bad things about africans on his facebook page because many of them live in Italy. He was looking always for news, videos to talk about them. He used to shae all the bad things about africans people because they are black. He did this to annoy me because he wanted to show me I, as a black was worthless. Like all perverse narcissists, Mr. Virus was always looking for a way to denigrate me. He always made posts about the bad behavior of Africans people who's live in his country Italy to show me how black is worthless.

One day, I was in discussions with him, the old narcissist told me, I like German women, European women, mentioning all countries with white women in order to feel inferior to them. What I did not know is that the same Mr. Virus who spoke ill of Africans people now seeing me interact with African brothers of the same belief as me various groups, as he has my page hacked, infiltrates in those groups to impersonate like a brother to be able to continue with his slander.

Mister Virus what's up? Wasn't it you who couldn't stand with africans? Please tell me now, do you love them? Paint yourself black to see if it looks good on you?

I can't believe it, Mister Virus now is brother Virus because he repented. Mister Virus now love African people. Hahaha, I really can't believe it.

© RebChrist888