

Independent 5
"Yay! How have you been?"

"Oh! Emma, long time."

"Yeah, i have been texting you but you didn't respond."

"Really?" I questioned almost in confusion while at the same time trying to listen intensively with an impaired hearing.

"Yes! I did sent you New year messages"

"Wow, i didn't know my brother."

I have always been dependent on my closest relatives to know what other people are saying or my closest friend Esther to assimilate what others are saying.
This time, the Universe decided to play trick with me by separating me from my dependency and left me to stand on the edge of cliffs.

"So, are you heading home?"

"Yeah." I replied nervously hoping for the conversation to end.

"Alright, let me walk you home" He said casually.

We both got out of the church, strolling toward the express-way that lead to my house with gists ranting and pouring from Emma's mouth while I was busy trying to comprehend what he was saying.

© poetcspirit