

The Hidden Secret ( Part 2)
Chapter 2

So finally I decided to go and check out the drama. I went down a flew flight of stairs. I found Rhys standing in my living room. I was so disgusted because of his arrival, I don't know what will I do when he again does his drama but to my utter surprise he looked really guilty.. I found his guilt in his eyes. I went closer to him. He still smell like the raspberry body wash which is my favourite. He was wearing the same blue dress which he had worn when we first met. He couldn't looked at my eyes. He was stareing at my wooden floor and said "sorry". What and why?? After what happened should I forgive him.?. Don't I have a self respect.He does not know that. " See Sabrina, I'm sorry and I just want to beg a day from you. If you don't want to go back it's okay but please give me one day so I can do things to you which I should have done to you when we were seriously loving each other. Please just 1 day." What shall I do? Should I reject him or should I give one more chance?? Uff!! I'm seriously tired. I need peace which is absent in my life..Still I said this - "Okay Rhys. I don't want to go back where we were cause I can't except it but for you I'll give you one more day. I'm free at Sunday. Do u agree??". " Okay I'm free. So we'll meet at Cube square restaurant." And after talking he went.. What kind of behaviour is this?? No goodbye also. Let's see what happens on Sunday.........

(to be continued)