

This story revolves around a high school student named Ghold Shin with a high artistic ability. He was live in Maldivian island of Feydhoo,this island has a nice viewpoint with a beautiful white_sandy beach. Ghold Shin was live with his parents he was their lonly son, Ghold Shin was sixteen years old and study in high school, while his father was a fisherman and his mather a houswife. Ghold Shin used to go to school by his bike while his neighboor's son go by his father's car, his name was Sharma, he was live in a luxry with his parents and his five siblings, he was has every thing which help he to complete his study but, he was not love go to school. Gholds'father was an old man and does not has the energy to work sinc he had a health problem which, forced Ghold as a result to leave his school and help his father in fishing. Drawing was Ghold's passion.Ghold painted from the sunrise and sunset and looking at the sea in becalmed and deep meditation. Ghold was work in the morning and draw in the evining and he was read novels at midnight, tirelessly. Days passed quickly, Ghold become in therty. Coincidenc , Ghold meet a man called Ragot, he is a rich man who recently moved to the island, Ragot provided good offer to Ghold, to show his painting in art studio, that was a golden opportunity for Ghold to became a famous artist.
One day Ghold meet his frind sharma after his graduated from colage he was hate his work cause it was not related to him passion it was his father's passion.
The moral of the story :

Passion is the thing that will help you create the highest expression of your talent. Belive in your abilites, work hard to growining them in any circumstant and no mater the level of education you reached but the important thing is what you learned.

Can you helpe me to find agood titel for this story? And where exactly do you think is my mistakes and point of weak in my writting ? I'II be happy in your comment and it will help me to improve my skill writting .
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