while I see you {2
class please stand up and welcome your newest classmate.
Her name is...
Misa: Hello my name is Misa Udemadu and i am from rivers state. I am 17 years old...
We were at our last class in secondary school (class 3 ) . School opened only yesterday so she started with us . She standing there , looking at the whole class
while holding her bag reminded me of no one else I had known before , she was beautiful first of all and it made me fell like I was about to fall from somewhere high because I had lost grip of my environment, my only focus was her ,
so when she looked and smiled at me I looked away and regained balance.
I literally ran(well clandestine style ) from class just to feel at ease with my self . I had never met...
Her name is...
Misa: Hello my name is Misa Udemadu and i am from rivers state. I am 17 years old...
We were at our last class in secondary school (class 3 ) . School opened only yesterday so she started with us . She standing there , looking at the whole class
while holding her bag reminded me of no one else I had known before , she was beautiful first of all and it made me fell like I was about to fall from somewhere high because I had lost grip of my environment, my only focus was her ,
so when she looked and smiled at me I looked away and regained balance.
I literally ran(well clandestine style ) from class just to feel at ease with my self . I had never met...