

Another sunrise where's is hope
In the dead silence of the night a piercing scream is heard followed by children crying, its Akelo again, as its get louder I tightly press my fingers on my ears.
This is the norm in my society . Akelo like many other ladies in this society having become a punching bag..

A mothers advice to her daughter in an abusive marriage is hold on. Can't say I blame her coz thats all she knows, she has been holding on too, even her mother's mother's mother to her ancestors all they have been doing is holding on, so don't expect her to know any better.

This is the society where have grown up.
I am from this society where girls great ideas are not as good enough until someone pats** them in the shoulder and says "you've thought like a man" where learned ladies pride themselves in the idea of "think like a man and act like woman"

Am from this society where by when a child excels the father is praised and if that child adopt a bad character the mother is shamed.
In this society a lady sitting in the table amongst men is considered disrespectful.
Where a mother hustles desparately for the family because children belongs to the woman because a mans stomach is the woman's business because " it is the way to a mans heart"

So when I heard Akelo shout, "cut me the other hand but I will still be yours!" I wept. I mourned for her foolishness, angered by love betrayals, at this point was there any love?

It is this same society a woman isn't a complete woman without going through the knife, so when i fled that night and left my sisters to go for the act t never to return, I felt lucky.

I was tired, tired of not being good enough to anyone, my body size was too thick or too thin , not having a lover for the the looser, a woman was never complete.
So when I fled, I met freedom

So pardon me if I dont pride myself with my society," my roots, " but what good can a tree be, if it roots are rotten.

**** written from real happenings still taking place .

© mwirigiB