

A Free Spirit
What would happen if you become invisible for one day? Write a poem imagining what you would do with such superpower.

Ahh !!! today, it's actually a dream come true.!!!

That it could in reality happen, I didn't have the slightest clue

Oh my my! it's too good, what power!!! really unbelievable

Now visit I will my secret love n surely, I this now will be able

Fly to him, just be with him, and many many kisses give

Bear hugs plenty he will get, n every moment I will happily live.

if I can, whisper in his ears, I definitely would, my, "I love you"

Ahh! how I wish this invisibility would be in actual reality true !

Then with my super power, plant I would millions of trees

Artificial lakes create, and from trouble, thousands of villagers free

Intoxicate I would every Indian, to patriotic and honest become

so ministers, and officers all to serve the people forward come

Armin Dutia Motashaw