

Chapter 9
Seeing Issac's parents, left a warm mark on me. As we drove back to the hotel, I couldn't stop thinking about they're happy smiles welcoming me. We pulled into the parking lot. Getting out, I fiddled with the keys looking down, "So, your parents seem nice." I said. "Yeah, they're pretty normal actually." He said as we walked up to our room. "A normal family, huh." I said as we walked up the stairs. "Yeah. I guess you never experienced something like that." He said pushing his hands in his pockets. "Yeah. My normal is waking up to the oldests preparing for a hunt, and going to sleep, hearing the youngest whispere, 'play with me'." I joked with a small smile. He shivered, "That's a messed up life." he said. "Maybe, but I guess I should thank it." I said looking up at the ceiling. "It wasn't the best ever, but I'd choose that life than no life at all." I looked at my feet, and the conversations ended as we approached our door. I turned the key, unlocking the door, and walking in, I stopped cold. On the far side of the room was a silhouett of a person to know who she was. "Hey there, Tessa." Riah's voice said too calm to be comfortable. She looked at us, smirking slowly. "Riah. How did you find us?" I asked shaking a little seeing her. "Not that hard honestly." She said pulling a knife from her thigh holder. "But, let's not talk about it here. Why don't we take a little drive, to a place I'd love to go to let off a little steam." she said smirking bigger. "Oh. So where's that?" I asked trying to keep calm. "Why don't you ask the Mr. and Mrs." she said pressing a button on her phone, and turning the screen to us. On the other end of the camera, there was a familiar house. But, it wasn't until there were the faces of Issac's parents that I remembered. They were tied to the kitchen chairs, sitting in the middle of the room. His mom had blood running from her temple and bottom lip, quivering in fear. His dad looked like he was biting on his to keep calm, but they were both covered in plentiful bruises. "Mom, dad!" Issac yelled at the phone. "Yup. We got the warm and fuzzy fam. So I suggest we do things the easy way." she said. But, neither of us had time to ask as she smashed a beer bottle over our heads, shattering it over mine. When I woke up again, I was sitting in a chair with my hands cuffed behind me. I looked around, and saw Issac's parents gagged, and looked scared looking at us. Then, I heard footsteps approaching from behind me. "Let me guess. Amarah put you up to this." I said trying to be calm as I squirmed to sit straighter. "Yeah you're right. That red bitch wants us to skin you guys and get home." Riah said, leaning on the sink. "But, to be honest, I'd rather be hunting a 12 year old right now." she sighed annoyed. "Riah," Someone else said, before I heard her boot heals clank on the wood approaching us. Then, as I looked back, I saw black hair, and dark clothes with a sword dragging with intimidation. "Sithe. So, you came too." I said as she walked in with us. "Yes. Ever since you killed both Dagon and Lyra," she looked down at me with her stone cold eyes. "Amarah became aware of at least a tast of what you're capable of." she said. "What?" I said confused. "Yup. First you taking out Lyra was surprising enough, but you actually taking out Dagon," she traced the blade with her thumb with a smug smirk, "that's exciting." She walked to me tipping my chair up. "So, after we take care of the prey and it's parents, we're going to torture you, before killing you." she said. "And I'm so gonna love this." she sinisterly said smiling. "Wait." everyone looked over to Issac's dad. "If you want to kill someone, just kill me." he said sternly. Riah smiled darkly pleased, and walked to him. "How noble." she said tracing the knife on his neck. "Some hero we have here. Unfortunately, I can't up that offer. I'm just gonna kill you all." she said. "Well then," he said, "I'm afraid I can't allow that." he suddenly stood up punching Riah across her face. Issac's mom yelled, but was muffled from the gag. Riah, barely effected by his punch, right hooked his jaw tossing him across the room to Sithe. She held her sword to his throat as Riah wiped her chin, checking for blood. She walked to him, pulling out a knife, and stabbed it through his neck. Muffled screams filled my ears, as I looked at him in horror. He chock through the knife, just to go limp in the red pool of his own blood. Issac's mom started to cry none stop, but her weeps couldn't be heard. "You really thought that would hurt me?" Riah said, her voice saying she's about to loose it. "I'm the damn sin of anger! And you thought you could hurt me?" She yelled at his corpse. Then, Issac suddenly jumped from his chair, and charged at Riah. The cuffs hung on his right wrist as he started to hit Riah, but it would be no use. Finally, I twisted out of mine, and charged at Sithe. She moved her sword around me, not touching me, in a calm and composed way. I knew how she fought, always calm, never loosing her cool, that way of fighting, to make her opponents loose it. Making them feel insuperior, and that's when they make mistakes in their tantrum of rage. I just had to match her composure, if I show just a hint of irritation, both Sithe and Riah could take advantage of it. I calmed my nerves, and cleared my head in the commotion. Then, I was able to match her moves. I could see her face twitch slightly. And, for the first time, she looked on the edge of loosing it. But, it only lasted hardly a minute. Mt face leaked the victory I saw, giving Sithe, her leverage. She grabbed my throat rising me up on the wall. "You son of a bitch! You killed my dad!" Issac yelled at Riah. She laughed playfully, "He's actually adorable with all that anger." she said, pinning him with just one hand. "Maybe we should just take him back home. He'd be fun to poke at." she added. "No. Our orders remain. We kill them, slowly." Sithe said. "Whatever." Riah said pulling out her knife. "No... don't..." I trtried to say as air started to stop traveling to my lungs. "I really don't believe you." Sithe said. "Did you forget about family loyalty? And all just for a boy." she said visibly on the edge of snapping. "Do you love him?" she asked suddenly. My hand panicky felt around for something I could use, then, I felt something smooth touch my finger tips. Feeling it more, it was a beer bottle. I shook my head as much as I could, "No..." I said and smashed the bottle with the little strength I had. "But... I'd rather... risk helping him... than be loyal to you..." I said, and stabbed her with the jagged end of the bottle. Sithe had a stunned look, giving me an advantage. I pressed my foot on the bottle, digging it deeper in Sithe. And not even she, was tough enough to withstand it. She fell to the floor, the bottle's neck deep in her flesh. Riah looked at me, the fiery anger blazing in her grey eyes. "You bitch! You don't deserve to live!" she yelled letting go of Issac to attack me. I looked away, stabbing her with a shardof glass from the bottle. "I know." I said looking at her stunned face. "But, I know damn well that I will never be like any if you." I hissed through my teeth. Then, Riah went limp, falling on the floor. Issac untied his mmother, and they cried for their dead family member. The casualties are getting worse ever step further we take. Tonight, not only did I kill two more of my sisters, but Issac also lost his dad. Who else with die just for the cause of us, getting to the authorities?