

A beast or a human? (Preface and chapter 1)
Preface:- The story is about an orphan girl named Aurora Smith who possesses superpowers and lives with a granny who gave her shelter. Later she experiences weird things happening around her and while solving that problem, she finds about the mystery of her childhood...
Will she be able to withstand the blow of fate? Let's find out together.

Chapter:- 1

( Aurora's POV)

I'm Aurora smith and I'm 20, I often come here to spend some me time in this tree house which I made not far away from the highway when I first came here, in this forest. As usual I was spending my time sitting in the balcony of my little tree house enjoying the rainy view outside, it was a summer evening but was raining heavily. The sound of rain drops hitting the wooden roof, the earthly fragrance is something that made me feel alive. The roaring and howling of wind and thundering of clouds pierced the silent atmosphere of the forest. The sunlight that was coming from among the branches of trees also hid behind dark clouds and the darkness spread. The sudden strike of lightening was the only thing that lightened up the dark black sky. The strong wind current uprooted a tree and it fell with a loud noise. I sensed the squirrels who lived in that tree running for their lives. I sensed their fear. The mighty beasts who used to roam in the forest and made entire forest tremble from their roar, today they too have hid to save their lives. The birds who sang happily were scared. This feeling of fear, restlessness, fear of death, fear of nature, I sensed it all. It has always been this way. Despite being able to control the elements, I'm just a powerless creature in front of the nature. That storm isn't something new for me. It's a part of my life, and I'm always fighting with a storm somewhere deep inside my heart. I don't have much memories of my childhood. I have been living alone since nine years. All I remember is running away from a group of people holding torches and throwing stones at me. I don't know if I had a family or if they are alive... And every night I dream of those people chasing me, calling me a beast and trying to kill me. These nightmares came often when I was a child but they became more frequent as I grew. And now I experience them every single night.

Well, I have been working in a convenient store helping this elderly woman, Mrs. Diana Smith whom I call granny and in return she sent me to the school and took care of the expenses and she even gave me a room in her house. I don't know why but she says that she pity me. May be because I'm an orphan or may be because she thinks that it's difficult for me to live without the memories of my family. But it's not that painful because I can't miss those whom I don't even know. Granny and I had lived together for nine years but we don't interfere in each other's lives. And she too don't have a family just like me. But I can sense her loneliness and I know that she is longing for her family but I didn't asked her about them because I know she wasn't ready to share that pain with me.

Anyway, I completed my school and now it's time for me to go to the college. I don't like to be surrounded by people but to quench my thirst for knowledge I want to attend the college. I was having this unsettling feeling for the next day as it's the first day of the college. I had to go prepare but I was struck in the forest amidst of this thunderstorm. I was wondering if granny had already slept and thought it'll be good if she did because I don't want her to worry at this old age. But this one thought kept on crawling in my mind that what if she gets to know about my powers someday? Will she still accept me? I wanted to tell her but I don't want her to be scared of me. After all she is the only one I can trust and care for.

I am indebted of her kindness, I wish someday I can tell her about who truly I am. Though she had never made it obvious but I know she loves me unconditionally and I want to make her happy. I want to tell her that she don't have to feel lonely because I'm here for her but I can't express my true feelings. There is something that stops me, that tells me to keep it a secret. It tells me that if I reveal my true self then I'll be alone again. But I want to break free from that thing. Then I thought of going back or I might had to stay there till next morning because that storm wasn't going to stop soon. I stood up and jumped down from where I was sitting and landed on a small puddle of water. The water splashed over my sneakers and the land felt soft beneath my feet as I took a step forward. I felt the rain drops falling on me and I was all drenched but it was refreshing, the cold wind made it even more better. I love walking in the thunderstorm. For others it's a little scary but it's is a pleasant weather for me. It's always good to see mother nature in her powerful form and I'm fortunate because others don't get to feel her power.

That felt good, walking alone in the midnight and I also felt at peace and I'm addicted to it. After walking for sometime I saw our closed convenient store and next to it is our house. I jumped over the main gate and tried opening the door but it was locked. I knew that granny was't asleep yet. she always pretends to sleep whenever I'm late. I stepped away from the door and went upstairs, to my room. All this time, granny was peeping through the small gap between the window curtains. I don't know what fun she gets doing this...

And as expected the dinning table was set and waiting for me. I changed the wet clothes, blow dried my hair and savoured the delicious food. After washing the dishes, I prepared my clothes to wear for the college tomorrow and switched off the lights. But I can't sleep because of the things going on in my head. This was the same feeling I had when I went to the school for the first time. And I remember it was really hard for me to control my temper that time. I used to be very worried thinking that I might cause an accident because of my short temper and eventually I learnt to control it. I never made any friends because I felt uncomfortable talking to others. I was alone in school days but now I don't think it is important to have any friends. I enjoy my own company and I prefer being alone because I don't want to be obliged to someone. I hate the stupid relations humans make and their expectations from others. I can't stand that. Thinking about all these things I saw that it was already half past twelve in the night. So I closed my eyes and soon I was snoring.
© my_obscure_bliss