

what happened part 2 :the details (based on true events)
chapter 3
Pierre and I went out with beer in hand "hey boys calm down no need to get.." I stumbled over my words cause they were both ok just hovering over the broken down cars hood and send to be fine. Pierre and I walked over hovered for a second "hey ya gotta another one of them beers" the rough older mechanic asked.I thought to myself he drove here and seems to be pretty drunk all ready."No sorry last ones to bad, sorry" I replied.Hey scoffed at me and said "well seen as you boys are so nice as to let me fix my buddy car here how's about you come by for a drink I got a pool table" I thought for a minute and before I coukd answer Pierre piped up and said "HELL YEAH pool sounds great".

I shot a glance at Pierre cause I was unsure but I wasn't letting Pierre go on his own.Before we could get back out after changing out sandles to shoes the car was fixed and they where both in there vehicles waiting.Pierre and I walked up to the truck of the mechanic and he said" I can only have one passenger cause of the seat belts and them cops are everywhere better safe then sorry"he said with a snicker about his stupid cop joke.So I went with the other car and Pierre went with the mechanic.I was nervous sweating , my mind was like a super hamster wheel thinking the worse as I got in the car to follow Pierre and the mechanic the guy I was with asked weird questions"how long you live here?"3 months" I reply "you know people in the area"he asked right away " No not really just the restraunt workers across the street their great"I replied "well a lot of people are no good around here I almost didn't wanna pull in to your drive way" he said with a stuck up attitude.which I found weird cause the area is nice it's not packed subdivisions ,just far apart houses on a busy street on the out skirts of a very booming city when it comes to building and moving in on these secluded neighbourhoods kike ours but it was nice for now.

We pulled in to the driveway Pierre and the mechanic then us. they got and I got out the man in the car said "see ya" in a weird way and I got a chill.I seen Pierre standing in the drive way up ahead and just as I walked up the mechanic walked into his house to get the beers.

chapter 4
"why are we outside if we are here to play pool" I said to Pierre "I don't know he said he was gonna cook a burger well we had a beer" Pierre replied "oh ok" I said as the mechanic came out Pierre walked up to grab a beer and the man puke them back as Pierre reached for one and he said "should have a burger before we drink" Pierre replied with "naw we ate a hour or so ago" and them mechanic got all blown up and angry looking and said "you will eat then drink cause if not thats disrespect" Pierre stumbled bit and said"it's not disrespect we just don't wanna eat we are gonna have a beer and head out after some pool" and the man cocked back his right hand with a six pack in it and gave a big swing and blow to Pierre head with the cans I yelled out at him "hey relax man" and he stormed toward me with angry in his eyes and pulled his arm back for a lethal blow with the cans and as I dodged the attack I just seen his friend in the red car pulling out slowly.just as I seen his car pull away fully I feel and hear the connection, I have tendonitis again and this time I see white for a second I pull my self off the ground and go storming toward the mechanic as he lurches over my brother.
Thanks for reading part three will come in a day. check out my quotes and feel free to give constructive criticism