

The Brighter Star in another world

alarm clock rang.. cringg.. cringg..cringg.
( alice ): ahhh so noisy, early in the morning. I want to sleep at least 5min.. ahhh. alice throw the alarm clock on the window.

a boy walking on the Street while selling his bread, "shouting". ladies and gentlemen my bread are hot and yummy.. come and taste me!!

the people one street are, cringing and laughing,"hehehe". ( miusel )., ( denshin )?? yeah,, what? are you gonna buy bread? ( miusel ) yes,, please.. but can I taste you, I just wanted to know if you are that yummy.( denshin ) huh?..
( miusel ) smiled and cringed... ahhh never mind...

denshin start to walk again.. while denshin walking on the street he reminded, what miusel said." can I taste you..." huhhh" what the heck,... what, what's that." but denshin smiled ears to toe..

the alarm clock that alice throw on the window is accedintaly hit the head of of denshin..

denshin: ouch,, that bitch throw an alarm clock again.." huhhh why I'm always being hitted..
denshin act like he gonna throw the alarm clock on alice.. ahmm..

to be continued: