

Real People
Today I attended a Freedom Rally.
The love and the sense of real life humans surround me. I feel like humanity and love has disappeared in our society these days,but when I attend these rallies I have hope !
Today was special but yet bewildering , I witnessed something I havent seen before .my eyes navigating through the crowd that was forming I spotted a feeble older gentleman sitting out in the breezy cold winter weather supporting our freedom ..I ask myself what is he thinking..I see the hurt in his in eyes ,I know he is thinking the same thing I am thinking ,..WHY ?,why are people not waking up to what is happening in OUR World ,he has the look of disappoint yet he is thankful we are all there.
I will never forget this man,I'm not sure of what has happened in his life but I know he was at that freedom rally because he needed to be .
Our world is at a turning point ..its not about a virus ..its about good vs. evil I pray people will wake up to what's really happening and take a stand ..this is real and everyone needs to wake up ..God works through his people !!Time to wake up !!