

In the town of Bellard, there is a little boy named Logan who hasn't had the most luckiest life to say the least. Due to the accident he suffered when he was only five, the now ten year old sufferers to do the most simplest of task, however his wounds from the accident healed eventually. His mind didn't and for that he has alot of problems in school, especially with being outcastsed and bullied. However their is one shining moment of Logan's day getting to go home to his mother. Samantha ever since the accident Samantha is extremely protective over Logan, even going so far from wanting to pull him from public school though Logan chose to stay. However the school day was over, and Logan is walking outside towards his car which comes a bit earlier than everyone else's. He eventually enters the car sitting in the passenger seat beside Samantha as she looks at Logan, before smiling as she ruffles his hair saying. "There's my special little lo tell me did you have a good day today? And you don't even have to answer me because i already know you did hehe, the school called telling me how great you are improving. And you know what i think that deserves a little reward...Don't you think?" Samantha asks with a little smile on her face, Logan looked slightly confused as the word's from his mother tumble through his mind. As Logan then says. "...I am not quite sure what you mean mom but a suprise sound's really cool, and i am trying m...M...My best it's mostly for you that's about it. I'm glad I'm improving." Logan says slowly and sheepishly, as Samantha look's even more happy as she begins driving down the road. As Samantha drive's she look's straight ahead her eye's glued to the road, as Logan look's out of the window passing all the tree's, he kinda look's like he remembers something as Logan says. "Hey mom you know that girl i told you about who gives me a hard time? We'll she didn't come to school today and she's always there...What do you think is wrong. Even though she gave me a hard time i hope she isn't hurt or anything." Logan says with a very kind and caring tone. However just the mention of that girl, makes Samantha's hands on the wheel tighten as she says with a smile. "Ohh yes that's right what was her name again, oh right Claire I'm sure she's just a little bit sick hehe...You shouldn't worry about her at all, she did try and hurt you if I'm not mistaken. And for that i think she deS-...I mean i hope she gets to feeling better baby just don't worry about it." Samantha says almost getting a angry tone in her voice for a second, which Logan took slight notice to as he didn't know what to think about it, as word's we're starting to flow together now. Logan stays silent not wanting to anger mother, as Samantha seems to not like the silence but says nothing of it. As they both eventually arrive at their home, which was located a little bit out of town, as Samantha park's the car. she steps out of the car before quickly helping Logan also get out of the car, even though it seemed Logan didn't need help he accepted it. As they both enter the house Samantha gently touches Logan's shoulder before saying.

"Now i want you to stay up on you're work, my hard worker so make sure you do you're homework, and i will let you know when dinner is ready...I know you're gonna love it, it's going to be a very special dinner for you my dear, now run along." Samantha says before Logan begins walking upstairs, however he stops midway as Samantha says. "Wait! Now Logan i know you know this but i just want to remind you one more time, do not go into mommies room okay? It's a little...Unsafe for my baby." Samantha says with a little sweet smile, hiding little bits of anger, as Logan nods his head weakly understanding, but not saying anything as Samantha walks, towards the kitchen and Logan walks up straight into his room.

The day feels like it goes by in a flash, as Logan sits up in his room doing his homework getting it done, as the word's slowly begin to make sense. However Logan could smell this really bad smell, he wasn't positive of what it was but it stunk something terrible. Logan didn't really understand it though his room wasn't far from his mother's, so Logan knew the smell was probably coming from his mother's room, however he wouldn't dare investigate. But before Logan could think more on the topic, a voice call's out saying. "Logan! it's time for dinner." As Logan hearse his mother's voice he quickly finishes his work, before walking out into the hallway, looking down at his mother's room, as Logan does this a cold chill runs through his body. As Logan quickly runs downstairs, as Logan eventually arrives in the kitchen, Samantha is standing at the kitchen counter her back to Logan. As Samantha then says. "Hey sweetie I'm glad you came down, it's time to eat and i made something very...Very special, you're going to love this i really want to know if you like it, it's my little secret recipe." Samantha says as Logan looked actually excited that he was getting something so special, he quickly ran over to the table sitting up in his spot, looking down at the food as Logan then looked across the table, Samantha sits down with the same food, almost waiting for Logan to take the first bite. Which he almost does, before stopping as he had a question on his mind though afraid, Logan swallows his fear and asks. "Hey mom i was working up in my room and...This smell it was really bad, i thi...Think you have something wrong in you're room, i just wanted you to know that mom. I hope you're not mad at me." Logan says as Samantha's left eye gets a soft little twitch, she says nothing for a whole two minutes before smiling slightly and saying. "...Really is that so hon, that's very strange and odd I'm sorry if it...Makes you uncomfortable i promise i will fix the situation tonight for you, now please eat you're dinner." Samantha says with a little soft tone, as Logan little mind was still skeptical, however he then began to eat the food. The first bite was actually really good however it had a odd aftertaste of something metallic, soon Logan and Samantha had finished their plate's, and Samantha had this really creepy smile on her face as she got up from the table. Patting Logan's head softly and saying. "Good boy finishing up all that food now i think you deserve one more reward tv time, for a little bit i think you earned it after finishing you're dinner, and you answered my question. you do like it." Samantha says with a little grin, as Logan looked extremely excited once again to get to watch tv, which is something he didn't get to do often, so he quickly darts into the living room. Sitting down infront of the tv in the floor, and turning it on however before he could do anything, a breaking news pops up Logan being far too curious dosen't change the channel, as the news anchor says on the tv.

"Police are still in total disarray as their have still been no sign's of the missing adult's and children across the Bellard area, however the newest missing person is now ten year old Clai-" However before the news anchor could continue the tv is quickly shut off by Samantha, who is standing over Logan with a sour look on her face. As Samantha squats down grabbing Logan's shoulder's kinda roughly as she says. "Logan you do this every time i thought we discussed this...You don't need to see that stuff you're too perfect for it, and you continue to disobey me it makes me...Angry, Logan promise me from now on you will be good promise right now!" Samantha says with a slightly aggressive tone squeezing down on Logan's small shoulder's more, making him wince slightly as he says. "I promise i promise! You're ki...Kinda...Hurting me mom...It hurts." Logan says with a short spoken tone before Samantha let's his shoulder's go, as he quickly runs up to his room, while Samantha watches him running upstairs her eye's twitching violently now, as Logan gets up to his room softly closing the door before jumping into his bed, still in a little pain from the tight squeezing from Samantha. Logan actually felt afraid, however Logan found it suprising that Samantha didn't even tell him goodnight, Logan felt sad and confused, and couldn't sleep at all.

The time was currently 1:23 A.M on a Friday night, as Logan was still wide awake, he began hearing little noises coming from his mother's room. He couldn't understand what was she hiding but for some reason his mind was beginning to try and tell him something, that he needed to see, but Logan was too afraid however against himself he silently got up from the bed, walking out into the hallway. As he sees his mother's door was open slightly, Logan silently makes his way down the hallway a chill softly running through his body, as he eventually stands right outside of the room, having one last chance to turn back he doesn't. Logan peeks inside however he couldn't see anyone but he could see newspaper clippings of missing people, seeing this Logan walks in because no one is in the room, and their wasn't anyone in the room except the newspaper clippings.

With little heart's circled around each person in a red color, however Logan then notices a another room within his mother's room leading down, to perhaps some kinda basement, and Logan walks down it soon he could see light...And horror as he gets down their seeing dead bodies ripped apart and put on meat hook's, as Logan look's terrified he stumbles back before seeing in the corner of his eye, a figure squatted down eating something, however the figure stops slowly standing up turning around and seeing Logan as it was Samantha with a arm in her mouth, she drops the arm from her jaw, Samantha's whole face twitching violently, as she screams out in anger.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE BRAT! I TOLD YOU NOT TO ENTER MOTHER'S ROOM! YOU NEVER LISTEN YOU DON'T THAT'S WHY I TRIED TO KILL YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE BUT NOW LET ME RECTIFY THAT MISTAKE!" Samantha says like someone possessed, with a smile plastered on her face, before racing towards Logan who quickly move's out of the way running back upstairs as fast as he can, mother hot on his trail screaming in rage, as Logan makes it back upstairs he quickly runs past his room downstairs, running to the kitchen not wanting to but grabbing a knife before running outside. As Samantha was still right on his trail as Logan runs through the forest he hides behind a old tree stump. As Logan holds his breath staying silent as he hears footsteps and a voice saying. "Ohh Sweetie where are you!!! just wait you little bastard I'm gonna eat you peice by peice, if only you had been obedient this wouldn't have happened!!!" Samantha says before standing on the stump grabbing Logan by the throat throwing him onto the ground, the knife landing close by, as Samantha gets on top of Logan and begins strangling him, as Logan could instantly feel his vision fading, as Samantha says. "HAHAHA!!! come on you little bastard laugh it's funny watching you die like this hehehe! That's right when you we're five year's old i tried to kill you...You were worthless! However i felt remorse and thought i could change you and make you perfect...ohhhh We'll HAHAHA!!! there's always next time plenty of kiddos in the sea to take!"

Samantha says as she looked like a wild beast, with no remorse, as Logan reaches out for the knife though fading quickly he grabs it, before stabbing it straight ahead straight through Samantha who screams out in pain, as tears roll from Logan's face as he gasps for breath, Samantha says "....I...Y...Hahahaha!" She laughs blood oozing from her body, as she falls on top of Logan, her cold dead eye's looking straight into Logan's.

As Logan stands up weakly crying wildly, as he quickly runs back towards home. Leaving Samantha's corpse alone, As it was still nightfall Logan had soon called the police, they showed up and it turns out that Samantha was a serial killer cannibal. She had taken twenty nine live's which were all hidden beneath the floor's. Logan had went into a mental institution for having nonstop thoughts about Samantha, apparently haunting him every night telling him to. "Be useful for once."

Sometimes those closest to us can be the vein in our existence.


Thank you for reading i really enjoyed writing Mother i hope you decently liked it. I recently came back from a deep depression and I'm determined to write as long as i can. I hope you are having a great day or night byeeeee 😊.

© Bloody Rainbow