

Anthony Hurt Me

#Binge You

#I like to believe that most people are good but most people prove me wrong or maybe I'm just special and it's the ones I attract

He goes by Tony but should have went by phony he is a smooth talker, but he stole my black ottoman I know it was only worth twenty dollars but Tony sir don't you know you shouldn't steal from a pregnant woman at all, he also took or should I say stoled okay so this is going to turn into a long book a broom that was gray and blue worth $13, now let me explain how this all happened while I was napping somewhere to have a vacation from all the stress in the mess Anthony Fuller became a vagrant, basically a rodent and I hope he knows it, he stole a little black pan $20 but you know him stealing it wasn't even supposed to be a plan,he took forks with flowers and spoons that's about $40, he damaged things why did he even have the rage he got to live here 3 months for free, I would you tell me but you probably wouldn't even know so I'll tell you some more things he stole, a nice new orangish pan $70 sounds he really needed the silver handle, he's always walking around expecting a hand out, when he didn't even work for anything he was a jerk for everything he's a got I would imagine on the spot about him being a jerk for everything he's got, like the $20 circle bottle he stole from me oh yeah and the kinda of nice working TV was about 80, let's so much things he stole from me this should be easy to make this a long story no wonder he hurried out and the family acted up to something next time I'll trust my gut feeling, little gray stools with flower designs he must have thought they were cool $14 but still, he also decided to take a newer blow up bed $199 before he fled this is a mean thought but kinda hope he gets a taste of led, petty stuff I'll still write if I can remember like the pens for $5 and the note taker for 8 also a blue duster for 8 an ice cube maker for $5, at this point necklaces were about $50 and his lies also costed me, the he even stoled the scale my aunt gave me, colorful sets of dishwear with hardly any wear and tear costing about 60, two big blue bins that I could have used for my kid costing $95, Anthony who goes by Tony has stole from me hopefully he stays homeless from on and never gets a job is how I feel but he's like a toilet tool and we all use plumbers at one time to shove our poop back under, but what I've learned if you hang around with poop for so long you start to become it and that is exactly what he did, and taught his kids his ex-wife and him seem a lot of like evil and deceitful, I 100% believe in karma and since he stole what feels like a hundred more things for me I'll continue this story on a different page I guess the lesson will be, be extremely careful who you let in your life because as soon as some people get the chance to physically stab you with a knife or a theoretically stab you with a knife they will start slicing TO BE CONTINUED...........