

The one and only (chapter 3)
Dear diary I know what I must do I cant lose him ever. I know its wrong but it feels so right to me. Murasakino my freind she cant have him no one can every one has someone they love they admire they cant live without to me thats Hinata Saito my one and only...

Today Hinata had rice,beef,carrots,and milk and murasakino had rice,peas,and tomato soup.I threw a rock at a guy named Rendamu he fell to the ground not dead of course just injured.As i suspected murasakino and my sweet Hinata went to help him whitch gave me a chance. I quickly and quietly ran over to murasakino's lunch and poured the rat posin into her tomato soup.

Diary I am now standing in a corner waiting for murasakino to come and eat her lunch.She is finnaly back and...has asked...Hinata to try her soup.He cant i wont lose him now.When i reach them i slap the soup out of Murasakino's hand and she see's the rat posin she bows thanking me for saving her.Now i feel somthing new like I want to punch somthng really hard...Anger.