

dreams turn into nightmares
I'm not sure what I'm doing to deserve these kind of nightmares I've been having lately. In a recent one I'm in a garage with some people I don't know. It feels like summer time but everyone's dressed for fall. Some men and a couple of women. It feels like it's set in a movie from the 70's if that makes sense. The guys in it seems surly. From the "wrong side of the tracks". No one talks to me or acknowledges me. There is a car in the garage and some guy is sitting in it. I'm pacing around and I don't know what to do. Feeling out of place. Everyone is much older than me. All of a sudden one guy falls screaming to the ground. I'm on the other side of the car. Blood sprays the wall. I run out of the garage and stop. I turn around and look at the garage. There's screaming and yelling. A guy staggers out. I notice something different about his head. No eyes.
No mouth. No hair. I think its morphed into something else. The skin on his head was like clay. It reminded me of the movie THE THING. Great movie. Great special effects for its time. He or it didn't have a mouth but it was making noises. Muffled yelling. I screamed. It didn't have ears but it must've heard me because it started shambling my way. The nightmare faded as I started running. Was there something under or in the car that started attacking them? Do I watch too many horror movies? Was he scared of what was wrapped around his head?
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