

change of a paradox
Change was the horizon,
So grOWN.. had the spirit;
It had finally achieved soul level through experience. Experiencing evolution(That which was inevitable). Redefined, was it's once transparent walls it now had form...
Darkness lit up the abyss! With efforts to stop progress yet,
No scenerio, that could have been theorized. came to pass.
The outcome was of a totally, other-worldly origin, and of this change was born understanding. The Phoenix to prophecy.
The synchronicity of thoughts was brewing.
Complexity saw it's mirrored self for the first time...And such was the reaction, that, like that of a beast in the wild; so intrigued it was by it's reflexion upon a walled entrance of trees to a forest of habit, it leaned closer, cautiously head switching lanes like a tempted, untempered cobra to investigate.
Surprise was not in the fact that it had discovered itself, but in the simple knowing that now it was ready to be discovered by others.

© Eg'or