

Imagination Rocks! Part 2: The auditions!
Hey guys! Here is Imagination Rocks! Part 2! If you haven't read Part 1, I insist you go read that first so you are familiar with the characters and as I will be starting from where I had left of. Hope you enjoy reading!

Then Sarah got off her bike and parked it in front of Clara's apartment. She got her bag and started to walk in, when Clara was going out. She looked at Sarah and exclaimed, 'Wow! What a surprise Sarah! What are you doing here?' when Sarah answered in a mono tone voice, 'It's a long story, but can I stay in your house, I will explain everything so don't get too freaked out' when Clara replied in a confused tone, 'okay' and went back to her home with Sarah. Clara's mother was standing outside chatting with someone else, when Clara asked if Sarah could stay there. Her mother politely agreed and asked Clara to help Sarah with everything. Then Sarah and Clara went into Clara's room, and Clara quietly said, 'Well, today you have to share a room with me, because we weren't aware that you are coming and din't make any arrangments in the guest room. Then Sarah replied, 'That's okay!' in a polite voice and kept her things beside the cupboard. She then sat down on the bed with Clara and told her, her whole story. Clara was the only one with who she could open up completely. Clara was astonished and empathic that her parents kicked her out of the house. She then said in a very kind voice, 'You can stay in our house until you want to, please', which warmed Sarah's heart. This contribution of Clara in Sarah's life was big. Then weeks passed, and Sarah and Clara got used to their lifestyle, it was almost like they were roommates. Sarah also had interest in writing alongside singing. She was investing time in an app called, 'Woohoo!' which was a writing app, where you could share your work with the world and earn a nice amount of money depending on how much you write. She would write and spend time on that app, and the app would pay her decent amount for writing and also advertising their app. She kept this a secret, even from Clara, until she came to high school. When Clara and Sarah were going to begin their year in high school, the tension came rising up for Clara's parents. As now a new year was beginning, they had to get Sarah who was living there, and Clara, there daughter books and uniforms. Sarah quickly solved this problem, as she had enough money from the app to buy new books and uniform for her new year. Clara's parents were surprised and they asked, 'How did you get so much money?' then Sarah smiled at them and said, 'Well, I use this app called 'Woohoo!' and make animations to advertise for it, so I get payed a decent amount from them.' Clara's parents were astonished, certainly Sarah had a large mindset. Then Sarah said, 'Well, I will be doing more work in that app and will be investing in more larger projects, so hopefully by the end of 1st semester, I can save up money to buy my own apartment!' which made Clara's mom really warm and hugged her. This was a nice community for Sarah, as Clara's parents were treating Sarah like their own daughter. Months passed, and semester 1 was coming to an end, Sarha was working on a large project based on advertising the app, so she got payed in a large amount for showing such interest and dedication. Sarah was happy that she moved on and got a new life, instead of staying in grieve under her parents. Then one aftrnoon after school, she sat on the bed and browsed her phone to look for small apartments to live in, she din't want to manage a big house, as a high schooler. It was crazy that how now, she had a large mansion to live in. She had already made her own bank account in the name of Clara's mom, which was very kind of her. Sarah had funded her bank and was ready to buy an apartment. The next day, was a Friday and was given a holiday for a national rally, so Sarah went to the office where she could settle her payments regarding the apartment. In the span of 1 hour, Sarah had discussed all the payments with the man sitting there, and had got her loan from the bank. Lucily, the man wasn't suspicious about having a different name for the bank account, as she had disguised herself with the name. Then the man said, they was show her the apartment in the evening, so Sarah returned back home. When she came in, Clara's mom asked, 'So, was everything ok?' and Sarah politely replied, 'Yes! The people there will show me my apartment today evening, so I can move out by tommorow, hopefully all the time I spend here, I wasn't a burden for you' when Clara's mom smiled and said, 'no! not at all! You are like our 2nd daughter! Hopefully you can visit sometime!' When Sarah smiled and replied, 'sure!'. In the evening, she left to see her apartment, then she met the people whom she met before in the office. She then toured the apartment and approved of the place. Then the manager said, 'We trust our customers with the key, so I am giving it to you before hand!' Then Sarah took the keys and went home happily. Then during dinner, Sarah told Clara and her family that she could completely move to the new apartment in a week, as the items she ordered like the bed, sofa and other things would be arriving in a week. Clara was really happy for Sarah that she was able to settle down on her own and was able to get rid of her toxic parents, she felt good that she could do something for her. The next week passed happily, with Sarah's excitement of moving into her own apartment, untilt he day came when all of her ordered items arrived and were placed properly into the little apartement of Sarah. She got her things and siad her goodbye to the Clara family, she could never forget their kindness. Then she went into her apartment and lied down on her bed, it was such a happy moment for Sarah, it is crazy that how Sarah's depression died and she could move onto her new life. Days passed and Sarah was getting used to her new life, it was a little nuisance that she also had to do house chores alongside going to school and playing the piano. The music part of it became really easy for her as the owners of the Woohoo! app promised to gift her something to show their gratitude to Sarah for her endless dedication towards their large project, and as Sarah had this opportunity to ask for something she wanted, she asked for none other than a paino. It was getting hectic for her to go to the train station piano, as work of school was increasing and she also had to maintain everything else. It was a pleasuring moment to see her owned piano getting delivered to her own house. Everything was going great, until one evening when Sarah was lying down in her bed looking through her phone. Mid-way reading an article, a notification popped up on her screen. As Sarah wanted to become a singer, she had to keep up with the updates happening in the music industry so she doesn't miss out on anything, and the continuous updates gave Sarah the most valuable thing she needed in her life. The notification caught her attention and she opened it and read it, it had an invitation of participating in a piano playing contest, where people from all over the world could audition in and 3 of the winners actually get to get a job in the music industry, for the contest will be hard with more than 6,000 participants participating. Sarah jumped up with joy, she knew it would be extremely difficult to be the 3 in the 6,000, she would try no matter what. She had been learning the piano since she was in middle school and she would not let the opportunity to go. She had made up her mind, she would practice and will participate. This opportunity was a golden chance, and she had to make it. She would not let it go even if there was a Tsunami, this was an opportunity in a blue moon.

And guys, this is the end to part 1! Sorry for posting late as I was planning to post it on Sunday! I am actually a student, so keeping up with posting regularly is difficult, but anyway, Hopefully you enjoyed this part! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments and once again thanks for reading!!!

© an1217