

Journey to the settled systems, journal entry3.

"Oh, it's been such a long day today. I had so much work to do on the ship's reactor and engines, but it all worked out for the best. Everything got fixed that needed fixing. We had a quick meeting to see who from the crew wanted to stay awake for the next year and who wanted to go back into cryo. I decided I would go back into cryo along with 16 others. The remaining 12 crew members said they were going to stay awake for the year. It's crazy to think this is my last journal entry until I get woken up from my cryo pod in 2330, I wonder if it will be like last time; only time will tell. Oh, before I forget and head to my pod, the mining colony we will be getting dropped off at, there's only the 8 of us being dropped off. The rest of the crew is going to different places in the settled systems. I hope to see them again, I really do. Anyhow, I'm going to have something to eat then get checked over by the doc, then head to cryo. End of Journal Entry 3."
© wg82