

Olympus: War-Chapter 10, The Final Chapter
Olympus: War

Chapter 10: The Final Stand

Zeus looked down at the floor and started to scream in Anger. Thunder shot from the sky. Storms are over the world was unstable. Zeus grew bigger and stronger.

He then looked at Cronus and punched him 27 meters up in the sky. Then a thunderbolt shot Cronus on the back. Typhon saw that Cronus was in danger. He then moved his gigantic body towards Zeus.
Meanwhile Poseiden battled the Ketos with one arm, but with the help of Nemesis.
Then Typhon flapped his wings and smashed hundreds of Cyclopes and Hecatorcheires.

Hecate took out a book from her bag and started to read a few Curses:"Those you fight me, will be punished with bad luck so bad not even Victory can save you from this evil luck." Then a few Giants, few of the Zombies and Skeletons fell on the ground and fell into pieces, but they did not reform.
"Harpy-Harpies-Go-To-Death" Then all the Harpies fell dead on the ground.

Then Hercules, Theseus and Bellerophon charged at Cronus. Cronus then shot a time wave at them, but just as he shot it, Zeus punched Cronus in the stomach and Cronus tempered with time and Heald himself faster.

Then Typhon finally arrived at Zeus's Side and stepped on Bellerophon. Hercules and Theseus charged at Typhon,but it was useless.
Typhon hid them with his wings.
Zeus then charged at Typhon and then cuts off the left arm of Typhon. Zeus then shot a powerful blast of electricity at Typhon. Typhon fell on the ground. Just as Zeus was going to cut of it's head, Cronus shot him with a time wave.
On that exact moment three golden portals opened and it came was thousands of Goden Robotic Warriors. The Robotics Warriors ran towards to fight The Zombies and The Skeletons. Then Nemesis looked at the first portal which opened and out it came Hepuestus. Then she asked him:"How could you built such a big army in just in a few minutes." Then Hepuestus answered:"Nope I can't build THAT fast. I just simply build a two machines that can build a army that fast"

Meanwhile Ares was having a sword fight with Hades.
Then Poseiden thrown his his trident at The head of Ketos. Ketos fell on the ground, Dead. Then Poseiden and Nemesis went to help Zeus.
Zeus was fighting Cronus while Typhon was trying to to get up.
Then Apollo shot an arrow at Typhon. Chiron ran to Poseiden and threw him his trident. Then Poseiden shot his trident into Cronus's shoulder. Cronus roared in pain. Then Zeus got his opportunity to cut off the Typhon's head.
Then Zeus winked at Poseiden and Poseiden winked at Zeus.
Then Proseidon shot a wave of water at Cronus. Just then Zeus shot thunderbolts at the waves of water.
Then Cronus fell to his knees and died for real.

Then Zeus asked Hecate if she has a spell that can bring back the fallen Gods.
She answered:"Yes I do,but it can only be done if us surviving Gods are made immortal.
Then Ares dropped dead on the ground and Hades charged at Hecate, but Zeus shot a thunderbolt at him.
Then Zeus said:"If it will bring back the fallen Gods then we will take the chance of being immortal."
Then Hetace Said in an ancient voice:
Takatoo I summon the ability of being immortal for the Fallen and living Gods."
Then a flash of green and purple filled the air of Olympus for 3 seconds.
Then all the fallen Gods appeared on Olympus. All the Gods felt stronger. Even Proseidon's hand grew back.

Then Zeus said:"After Hades is punished, Olympus is cleaned and fixed we shall train to control our new power..."

One year Later
Hades was sent to the prison in Tatarus for the next hundred years. While the other Gods trained to control thier new power inside them.

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