

it's okk to cry
Ohh my life!! today again we are together.....🤗🤗
under the shade of moonlight
Thinking how innocent it is......
and how was I
But what about that extrovert me......to whome people only know by one nature and i.e. " The Chanchal me".

They never saw my innocent view and I also don't wanna to make them all aware of the tensed me☹️ but sometimes it become more than difficult to hold urself with the eyes full of sprinkling drops but just to stop urself with thundering 😔.

Anyways , leave all this...... let's come to the happy me.....bcz if I come to innocency of mine OMG🙈🙈 it takes more than decade to touch it with ur metatarsophalangeal 😅😅.
hey!! don't panic it's a medical term , sorry m using professional language here.

Actually the thing is , m missing my life , the independent but a 18 hrs busy schedule.....no time to wash clothes, no time to give urself a good look though being independent everyone expect it, walking to college and market with the same get up😉😂😂 that's the funniest one.......

And today , I went all through a fear of being something wrong going to happen.....don't know what it was , but still there's something serious.
you'll say now , how u know about all this...... right??
so my dear , there's something known as " gut feel" when u sense something good or bad and it always work.

oh yeah , I forgot to tell I had one of my trial test today......I was screwed 🤕🥵🥴
so let's hope in the final one everything will be all right........

here comes today's Moral:-
it's okk to cry,
it's okk to be tensed ,
it's okk to be alone ,
it's okk to blame yourself for something,
it's okk to feel guilty for your mistakes,
BUT it's NOT okk to cry for someone to come back.......bcz he/ she was your's , then she won't have left u all alone through the way, the person move out bcz it's her choice that u r not her choice......so don't cry , they leave u with all there mind and body's presence not for those lame Reason which were given to u , so don't be pleased for them at all....but be humble for them whenever it's required . but never stop being YOU my darling 😊😊

And don't worry these all my morals are the lessons from my colleague's life 🤭🤭 but more than them I apply these idiot facts , don't know how much they work but till my life they are helpful to me.😁😁

thank you my moon to see the innocent me🌛🌛😘😘
© ankii Singh