

Change or Perish
It's nice when people are cool without saying anything, it's funny how they're nice in your presence, it's Ironical how the mouth does not co-operate with the heart in saying and revealing the venom in their heart which has their true colors and its downright comical how they think we don't know that😂😂. Speaking the truth will make you be nicknamed: nuisance, mad and more so "controversial", by the same who pretend to like you and those who call you sweet names. What do you think hypocrisy is???? 👌. Tolerating disrespect, false gossips about you or any toxicity does not make you good. say no to it and let those who do it know that you're aware of the mission they are in. When people mess with your peace and talk I'll about you help them to get back to their senses since they are lost despite the fact that some of them think they are " know it all's", "icons of holiness" and or "faith patriarchs or matriachs". When you're wrong you're wrong and correction is meant to help you not to inferoriate you. In this kingdom we don't measure superiority we embrace humility. A minister is a performer and not an entertainer. So dearly brethrens when you're corrected or guided embrace the change before you Perish.

© Ken Thuranira