

progect 876 .chapter-2
i woke up in the main city of the arena i knew i had to find a weapon quick since most people wake up here, i ran into a coffe shop now u might think this is stupid but remember there no rule so using caffeine to increase stamina temporarily is actually well known now u might be wondering how i know so much as soon as u turn 3 u are taken from ur parent and forcefully taught to fight and how to think stratigically if ur too stuborn well ur nothing but a live specimin to them back to the match,i then tried to find a restaurant and after 13 minutes i found one but there was someone else luckily i knew the person u see when being taught u are exposed to ur enimes so most try to hide the weakness and strenght tho this female was know for being quite frail, I then sprong up acting like ive surrendered the reason is because she had a knife i slowly approced her and use a disarming technique to get the weapon i now have the advantage and i wont lose.to be continued