

Super Yannah: The Nerdy Heroine (Chapter 2.1)

I'm walking happily on a road going to a store... A sudden, I saw 3 ladies... They are Andrea, Bea and Chelsea... The witch girls(My endearment)

They're the first class of girls who love to tease me even though I've no bad things done to them... It's me whom the favorite girl they've been bullied since before... I have nothing to do but to let them and accept all the painful words going out from their mouths!!!

Yes, they are all beautiful... Andrea's hair is rebonded that almost reached her waist, beautiful eyes, flawless skin and good in wearing beautiful dresses... Bea's hair is curly, slight chubby body and pointed nose... Chelsea has a natural beauty of her country, short hair that reaches her shoulder and a one-sided bangs...

Thay all have a sweet smile and seems that they are kind and innocent at first sight... But behind those beautiful smiles is a hidden secret that will made you shock after you learned!!!

Rich girls, Spoiled brats and boys ideal girls(only the face but not the characteristics)...

I walked straight forward while my eyes are on my feet... How I wished I didn't get out today... I can't make to choose another path because I'm one mile ahead on the store!!!...

They have same outfit, the color and style of fashion dress, high heels and even the design of their shoulder bags are the same...

"Ooh there again this nerdy!!! How are you, nerdy Yannah!!!" Andrea spoke out with a hint of insultment when they're already in front of me...

I don't wanna give them my attention so I continue walking... I don't wanna fight back 'cause I don't want to fight those people that need not to fight!!!

They're craving so much for an attention!!!

But before I pass by, Bea forcefully pulled me back to them!!!

"You learned to turn your back on the people talking to you huh!!! Did you think you're beautiful??? Heeyy, no girl can surpass the beauty of ABC Girls!!! We are the most beautiful!!" Bea insisted...

From your author:
This chapter has a continuation. Wished you enjoy reading... I'll just take a rest... Hope you will wait patiently...

Thank you and I love you😘
© Jhulz