

Betting On a Loser, Pt 2
Emily loves her job, because she gets to help preemie babies go home to their parents.  It's been almost 3 years since the Willy and Jill's triplets were born. They were oh so very small, and needed lots of help in the NICU. The first born was assigned to Emily's care, bc he needed the most help, and the entire stay for all three babies was well over 100 days!  Emily met Jill and Willy then, not accustomed to seeing triplets in the NICU. They became close over the course of those 100 days.

Jill even gave Emily a signed copy of her second book for taking such great care of the babies! Emily was so excited when it finally came time for the triplets to go home. On that day, the sunrise painted the sky such spectacular shades of pink and orange. Emily thought to herself, "What a wonderful day it was for these babies to get to see the outside of this hospital for the first time!"

Bart and Emily has started dating right at 2 years after the triplets birth, only to find out that Willy and Bart were old high school friends... Emily loved Bart, mostly because of his extreme love for other people's children! See, Bart hadn't found the right person to settle down with yet... So he didn't have children of his own! But they still had plenty of time to settle down and start a family. Somehow Emily just knew he was the one! The one she wanted to spend forever with...

Somehow, though, Emily was afraid of Bart and Willy's high school friendship. Because they frequented the same bar, and yet never really managed to speak to each other anymore!

Emily didn't mind that Bart was at Shelly's Bar so often, because she  trusted him completely. He worked really hard as the town's only lawyer. After all, Forgeview was a quaint and extremely small town. But deep down inside Emily, there was this nagging feeling, this feeling something between the two them just wasn't kosher!

Of course, having triplets is mentally and financially exhausting... So maybe as Bart and Willy had grown up, they had simply gone their separate ways!But she still didn't like the uncontrollable feelings she got about the two men's past friendship...

Emily was betting it had something to do with a woman, and hopefully that woman wasn't Jill! She made a mental note to speak with Bart about this the next time she saw him... She was hoping that was all it was!

Emily was looking forward to dinner with Bart tonight, because they were rapidly approaching their one year of dating anniversary! Bart has a way with her, that makes her feel special every time they are together. But for her own sanity, she's gotta figure out what the deal is with Willy and Bart's history. Emily's shift ended in a hour!

She was going to run home, shower, and change; then meet Bart at 6pm at the local diner!

Little did she know, everything in her world was about to change... Drastically!

© Miranda J. Ortiz