


Death, an invaluable experience, death is the path of salvation, after life our journey does not end but just like birth starts as a new celebration Which would have been a different thrill, we all wonder what happens after death? Many things will be heard by many people. Such as heaven, hell, salvation, soul etc. But it can be known only after death and no one comes to tell it after death.Birth is a unique gift given to us by God, which we feel through many experiences, birth gives us experience of relationships, of sorrow,of happiness, of love, of getting, of losing. And so on But we fools live with the fear of losing it, while the reality of birth is death. The truth at the time of birth is also that the path of death has been paved. Just now we have to see how to overcome the eagerness after death, how we cross the ups and downs in life and reach the great gate called death.This life is found only for once, do not waste it, live life with joy and gaiety and welcome death by bowing your head.Death is not the end, so why be afraid of death, let it roar in the sky.If we understand death then life itself will be understood.
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