

The Horrendous journey -- The Beginning
The readers who are reading it please read it till the end. If you like it follow me to get the second part of this story.

It was winter when we visited our village in palaspur. The weather was quite charming with cold air blowing. It was 9'o clock morning when we reached our grandfather's house. I had many friends there, being Ravi the most popular. We always had a tendency to adventure, explore and discover things. Our team included Viru, Bala, Ravi and me. It was that day evening when we discovered a new thing. It was like a colony at the end of the street. It looked haunted, as it was dark and no one was there. We asked the other villagers about it, but everyone said that many years ago, many people lived there but due to a huge nucleic explosion, all the people died. It was due to some "Rotwar Gang" who did this all. After that incident, the police went to find the corpse there. One of the policeman was found dead while finding the corpse. In the post mortem report, it was concluded that the death was because of the corpse in that colony. From that day no one went inside the colony anymore. We were frightened but we believed that there were no ghosts. So we wanted to reveal the mystery of that colony. That night we went to that colony with special suits and instruments. We all were in a state of dreadful vigil. As soon as we went inside the colony, the gate was closed it was closed so tightly that we could not open it. So we decided to go inside it and continue our journey..

Part 2 to be continued..