

Honesty is a great virtue which is adored all over the world. It is rare to find a truly honest man. A man is born with the quality of honesty, and then, it depends how he is brought up by his parents. If the parents are themselves honest, it cannot be confidently said that their children will also be honest.

The Bible says, "Our sin will find us out ". Dishonesty is a sin which must come out sooner or later. A dishonest person is hated and disbelieve by all, and does not get support or sympathy from anyone. Thus his life becomes miserable.

To err is human. If an honest man commits a mistake or does anything wrong, he will be excused by the people, because everyone will accept the fact that he must have done it by mistake or ignorance. But if the same misdeed is committed by a dishonest man, they will not excuse him, because none believes him.

So it is said, " Honesty is the best policy ". One, who remains honest all his life, honesty becomes his goodwill in the life's game. It is honesty that leads him to his goal. He becomes fearless, straightforward, outspoken, and possesses clear conception of everything on earth ; and hence he is capable of taking correct desicion and giving faultless judgement in any matter.
The End
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