

Living with the dead.
I live with my late daughter.

My daughter died a month ago, and she has been staying with me.
My husband deserted me, he claims that I am insane, I think I am too.
I had four children before her, they all met their early grave, and now I am supposed to let her go?

I bath and dress her every morning, talk to her about work, and read to her every night.
It's okay if she doesn't respond to every conversation, it's okay if she doesn't call me mummy anymore, it's okay if she doesn't see my face anymore, as long as she's with me, it's fine.

Last week was her 17th birthday, and I celebrated it, I dressed her up in this beautiful blue dress and silver shoes...
She would have loved them if only she could see them, she has been asking for this dress but I couldn't afford it, but sadly I couldn't see the smile on her face when I bought it.

Jack my younger brother came to visit me, and he suggested that I should let Mercy rest in peace, but she loves staying with me, she would cry herself to sleep each time I go on a business trip, so tell me why she won't be at peace when she's with me?
All his pleas to bury my daughter fell on deaf ears, I couldn't afford to lose her too.

Last night I had a dream, I dreamt about Mercy and my other four children playing in a beautiful garden filled with so many beautiful flowers, she was putting on the blue dress I gave to her on her 17th birthday. I was extremely happy seeing my babies together and happy.

However, when it was noon, my other children began to leave one after the other, till Mercy and I were the only ones left, the flowers in the garden began to wither, likewise Mercy.
I could see my daughter's skin decay while she was alive, I could sense fear over her, her eyes welled up and were flooded with tears.

She called out in a cracking voice

"Please I want to go home to my siblings"
She said as tears rolled down her cheeks...
My body went numb, I struggled to conceal how broken I was.

"Don't you want to be with me anymore,
Don't you love me?
I said while building a tower with tears

" I do mummy, I love you but Mummy what about me?
I am no longer part of the world you belong to.
I'm sorry mom, but I need to go!
She said with moist eyes.

I woke up from sleep with my bed soaked with tears, I went to the basement where my daughter's body has been, and cried to my heart content, while thinking about me, I never thought of how she would feel, I was sorry for being a selfish mother and making her wait too long.

Mercy was buried today, and I pray to see them all one day in that beautiful garden.

If you are reading this, then I might have been discovered and my well-laid plan wasn't successful.
Mercy is not my daughter but my niece whom I murdered.

Mercy has been missing for six months now, I reported her missing on the 15th of November 2021, she had gone out to get groceries but never returned.
However, that wasn't true, I have been living with mercy ever since she was an infant, her mother died during childbirth but since I was her only relative I took her in.

On the 15th of November, I and Mercy had an argument that resulted in a physical confrontation, and in the process she died, the moment I knew she was dead, I filed a missing person report and kept her body in the basement for three months.

My son Jack came to visit me on the 12th of December after he heard that mercy was missing, He and Mercy were best friends and it broke him greatly, I had to play innocent in order not to get myself in jail.

During my son's visit, he complained bitterly that there was an odd smell coming from the basement, I knew he was referring to Mercy but I had to play dumb anyway.
I couldn't let anyone find out that Mercy is not missing but dead.

I would have buried her in the backyard, but my nosy neighbors wouldn't take their eyes off my property, although I never mean to kill her yet I was glad she is dead.
Because her father was the guy I loved, and my sister knew this yet she went ahead to marry him.
On the day Mercy was born, I poisoned her father and told my sister her husband was dead, with the shock she went into labour and died during childbirth, I killed two birds with one stone, I was thrilled, I took Mercy in to make her pay for the emotional trauma her parents put me through.

However, she found out the truth about her parents which resulted in an argument and led to her death.

My son became persistent about the odd smell coming from the basement, he said he wanted to clean the whole house just in case there is a dead rat in the basement, I did all I could to stop him but I couldn't that is why I am in the police cell now.

A few days ago, I went to buy more house spray to prevent him from being more suspicious, only to come back to my house ransacked, I rushed down to the basement and found my son crying profusely beside Mercy's corpse, I did all I could to stop him from calling the cops on me, I told him it was a mistake but it fell on deaf ears.

Jack reported me to the police for the death of my sister, her husband, and Mercy.
Yesterday was my trial in court, I was found guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

While in court, I regretted every single thing I did to my sister and her family, I lost my son due to my selfish desire and I am remorseful.

I hope to meet Mercy soon and tell her I am sorry for punishing her for the sins of the adults.
© Joyce Godswill