

My journey
I just couldn't take my eyes of you.
Those lips, hips, and the most sexy eyes I've ever met. Ah, I'm longing for a touch, not now but definitely later.
Consoling myself I turned away from the beautiful specimen which caught my eye. Such a rare beauty, a goddess.... mine. I've decided.
Next day, here I'm at the same spot waiting for her. She's running a bit late, maybe just to make me more excited.
And here she comes.
She looked at me, smiled and sat on the seat next to mine in that bus. The last seat, away from those prying eyes of hungry onlookers.
Then on a sudden brake, she fell across me. Right now I'm thanking for all the humps and bumps in the road.
I'm sincerely hoping that she can't hear my roaring heart.
Her smell, her soft hair, her delicate hands all on me. I really wanted that moment to last forever. I touched her hips on the pretense of helping her, her saree providing me the perfect opportunity to touch her bare hips.
She suprisingly let me help her and leaned in to give me a peck on my cheeks.
After that, there was no stopping me. I gradually slowly started to trace her lips, her soft gentle lips and slowly leaned in for my prize. That moment when my lips slowly brushed hers, I was on cloud nine. Gradually she responded back and then it was a fight of tongues trying to possess the other. As the kiss deepend, I moved my hand along her chin, her neck and started trailing kissing from the jaw bone to the back at the hollow of her ear. I felt her erotic breathing, her small gasp as I nibbled on her neck, leaving back a hickey, marking her as mine, all the while my hand on her hip slowly moving, tracing her playful belly button and gradually moving down, further down, her body stiffened. I glanced her through my lust laced eyes and begged for her permission. She hesitated but nodded slowly.
I went back to the task of nipping and sucking her, while my hand having a mind of its own, went to that sweet garden of heaven between her legs. My slightest touch, she moaned.
I had to break contact and remind her of the bus we were in. Luckily for us, the night travel, the loud music, long distance to reach our destination provided the perfect opportunity for our little make out session.

© PS