

Them Curtains Saved Me
Once I got to the house an the curtains
we're put up. Then I sat and had a drink
of lemonade to keep my citrus up an
colds away. So I am in this place and I
just moved in and getting to know it
very well. Then as evening hits I see
them The scenes of ghost played out
in weird stuff and they are always playing with the curtains. I thought it was weird
at first but funny. Then one day I am
looking out the window then I feel myself being lifted up and going into
the curtain. Then I scream but it's my
house who going to here me but me.
It was a quiet hood of my own luxury.
So I free fall an drop until I come to
a place where there is food some tv's
like a sports bar. And there are guys there talking over the games of all sports
and then everybody looks as I fall to my
feet in there presents. Where am I
my new curtains got me to you so I dance. Oh where am I can I pore you
a soda. Or two and where is this and does anybody know what time it is
cause I have a guest coming to my house
in a half. So they all look at me scared
and they pore me a spite and I drink it
then they say lovely you have fall in
out of your body and you are here with us and we don't know how to get you back in but we can try. So they made me
some wings and other things and there
cooking style was wonderful I must say.
But they took me to see as my guest arrived to find me in my house and they open the door and I am on the floor.
So they use the phone yes she is dead
like we planned. So me an the fine men
who gave me food an drink see this from
my new curtains. And I am like that bitch I can't understand did they just
kill me and talk smack on my phone
hey sexy men I am going to need a ghost
gun cause I am going to haunt this bitch
y'all they wrong. And the men started
laughing and they say. Baby you dreaming wake up. You are still alive
And you just can't let that bitch off you
This is your REM Sleep telling you
to stop that murder before it happens
good bye sexy. So I am like oh wait no
then they disappear and the food to
and I think that's sexy too. So when I wake I see the curtain rod fell on my
head and I was on the floor in my new
curtains wrapped up. Then I unwrapped
myself and called that so called friend
and said change of plans lady I got other
stuff to do so don't come over. And I
hung up the phone. And walked out that
living room. And I looked out the window as if I had stopped my own
murder. But I will never forget the men
which I saw in my dreams. So listen
people when you wake never for get
your dream or dreams if you can help
it. And stop all bad dreams before they

© lashes sullivan