

His Destiny, Alicia (part 2)
“Sir, we are here.” Carl announced to Garth bringing him out of his reverie. Garth looked out from his car window and spotted the Police Station the he first met Alicia.
Garth got down from the car and made his way into the building. A line of constables stood at the entrance and handed him one envelop each.
The chief inspector smiled at Garth and gave him the large box packed in colorful sheets. After handing him everything, all of them left the room giving Garth to his privacy.
Garth got about seven envelops. He started opening one by one and found the paintings of him and his Alicia’s first meet there at the police station. Whoever drew the painting to reminisce these moments must be very imaginative to nail every detail of it.
Garth suddenly felt jealous and angry that someone else painted his beautiful Alicia. He wanted to rip the hands of that man who painted them so that he would never be able to make details of his Alicia ever.
A soft smile spread on Garth’s face looking through the picture painting and kissed each of it to take in the warmth of their memories.
After long minutes of adoring the pictures of his Alicia, he set them aside carefully and went towards the large wrapped box given by the Chief.
He squatted down and started unwrapping the box with excitement clear in his eyes. His hands were getting impatient and unsteady wanting to know what surprise is inside that darned box.
With a long impatient tear, he opened it and found something which made him chuckle and a tsunami of warm tingles filled inside body.
There on the large stand, is the huge car tire that he remember too well. But the tire is not in its old state and is filled with the photograph and collages of both of their memories of the past two years. The whole tire is transformed into something like a time machine wheel.
Garth’s eyes once again filled with unshed tears of happiness. Anything related to Alicia is his life and he would keep it close to his heart and Alicia in his heart.
There’s yet again a yellow letter attached to the tire stand. He picked up the letter and opened it with an excited and a smile which shows his love for his wife.
‘A tire of reminiscences,
A wheel of memories,
Made you happy,
When you distanced one of its part.
You can forget them,
But I can never,
Unable to leave them when they are imprinted in my heart.
Spouse can leave you but love cannot,
Waiting for you at the place where we became one forever.
I love you, My Husband, My Garth Kowalski.’
Putting the precious letter into his pocket, he got the tire and the painting pictures and carefully placed them into the car. Garth’s butler who was waiting for his master could only smile fondly at his master’s never leaving smile on his face.
“To the Peter’s Catholic church, Carl” He ordered the butler with a smile and sat in the car comfortably wanting to meet his Alicia as soon as possible.
Garth tapped his feet to the floor of the car in excitement and traced his fingers softly at the letters he received till now.
He could still remember the day he married his Alicia in the same church, as clear as day.
Garth took Alicia to the Church in the name of a surprise and proposed her to marry him. Little did she knew that the happiest moment of accepting the proposal of you love will turn into reality in mere seconds.
Once Alicia accepted the proposal, he called for the pastor and asked him to hold the wedding right away. And in just fifteen minutes, both of them got married.
Alicia was so stunned by the steadfast development that she didn’t even know how to respond to his marital vows.
But never did he or she regret, marrying that way. They were so happy and excited that they created a beautiful story of them to narrate to their kids later.
With a sudden jolt, the car halted in front of the church. Rubbing his hands in expectations, Garth got out and walked inside the Church with light energetic steps.
The inside of the Church is decorated with colorful decorative papers and light balls. The hall is filled with so many kids who are laughing and running around. While some kids are running around, some who are too young are getting the attention they needed from their crib.
The smile which was already present on Garth’s face grew when he saw the little balls of joy and energy running and laughing around.
It was a heaven on earth for him.
While looking around the happy innocent smiles, his gaze met the person who stole his heart and locked it with her forever.
His wife!
His Alicia.
Alicia was standing on the podium alone waiting for him to come to her. Alicia smiled at the love of her life and spread her arms asking for him to come to her and embrace her in his warm arms.
Garth immediately went to her with eager run and hugged her close to him. Time stood still at the most lovable moment the couple are sharing. It was like nothing mattered to them as long as they have each other.
“It took so long for you to hug me so close. Why did you leave me?” Alicia cried out and fisted his shirt In a tight hold.
She pouted at the dark look that passed through her husband’s eyes.
“You know why, Alicia. We cannot be toget- “
“Stop. Just stop the nonsense, Garth. What do you take me for? All the understanding lectures you use to give are all false? How come you didn’t believe in me. In Us?” She fired and slapped his chest in anger.
Garth looked at his wife with the most lovable look and kissed her forehead with so much love and adoration. “That’s not the thing, Love. I- I didn’t want you to sacrifice your wishes and dreams for me.”
“The dream you are referring to as mine is both of ours. How could you even think that you could leave me for my supposed happiness just because we have less chances of having a child of our own?” She questioned with tears forming in her eyes.
“Its because of me that we couldn’t have kids, Love. It’s because of that ill-fated accident that I’m in this corner. I didn’t want to take away the happiness from you of being a mother.” He said in a soft tone making Alicia’s eyes soften.
“The doctor said we have less chances, Garth. He didn’t say that it’s impossible. We have chances, Garth. Then why did you take the matter in your hands and took the decision that involved me?”
“Alicia – “
“Who said we cannot become parents. Just look around the room, Garth. The whole room is filled with the bright lights of those kids laugh. Are you so closed off in your brain that you didn’t think of an option called adoption?”
Garth looked around the room filled with innocent orphan kids who are so happy that the thing that they are orphan didn’t matter them a lot. He released as exasperated sign and looked at his wife with a defeated and adoration smile.
“So that’s the reason for the entire quest you were doing all today. To make me realize this, Isn’t it?” Garth said playing with the Alicia’s loose tendril between his fingers and playing with it.
“Do you know how painful it was all these four long months without you? I was like a dead body walking around lifeless. How could you do this me after all the things we did together, after all the love we shared and after all the vows we took together? How could you?” She cried, tears following continuously from her eyes but didn’t take the effort of clearing them.
“I’m sorry, Love. I’m so sorry. I was just thinking of your happiness. I didn’t want you not to experience the beautiful feeling of being a mother. I’m so sorry that I was ignorant. Please forgive me, love. Please.” Garth voice was filled with many emotions. All the pain and hurt he felt when his wife was not with him came back with full force.
He couldn’t breathe without her presence around him. She was his light, his love, his life and his everything.
“Shh! Don’t! I know… I know what you did was for me but darling, Kids are no doubt a major part of a couple’s life but they are not the only part. We have each other and I cannot lose for kids. I want kids with you. I don’t mind if I carry them or they are others. I can have anything and anyone if I’m sharing them with you.”
Alicia’s words made Garth’s love for her amplified even more if it is even possible. His wife was such a great girl who thinks from heart and decides through heart.
Garth chuckles at his very understanding wife and took her lips in a soft loving kiss.
“Stop. We are in the presence of children for goodness sake. Oh, by the way, what do you think about adopting a small baby? Wanna be a father, my love.” She asked with a ghost of smile playing on her lips.
Garth chuckled out loud and gazed her with love and adoration “Will you be the mother of my child then?”
“Of course. So you know what, I saw this cute baby girl of one month and I’m in love with her. Oh, wait! We can also go for baby boys as you need a heir for your legacy.” Alicia clapped her hands in excitement at the thought of having a small baby in her arms.
“Who said a girl cannot be an heir to my legacy? I want to be a father of the cute and beautiful baby girl you liked.”
“Yass! Come, let’s go. I already talked to the registrar and we just need to sign the paper to take the baby with us.”
Garth smiled and followed his excited with towards a man in suit who’s waiting patiently for the couple. After taking the identification copies of the couple and asked to name the baby girl to register her in the family list.
“What do you want to call your daughter, My husband.”
“Destiny. Destiny Mirabel Kowalski.” He announced with a proud smile on his face.
“Why destiny?” Alicia asked
“Because she is that. She did change her destiny of getting a lovely mother and a decently good father. And moreover changed our destiny to better by bringing positivity and happiness in our lives.”
Alicia smiled and nodded approving the name. The baby girl, destiny is registered under Kowalski family and happily became a member of lovely parents.
Garth took the small bundle of pink flushed baby girl and kissed her cheeks with love and affection. This moment would forever be imprinted in his heart. He not only got his wife back but also got a lovely daughter.
The couple happily walked throught the long church hall towards the awaiting car.
“What if one day we get a kid of our own?” Alicia asked carefully.
“We do have a kid of our own in my arms, Alicia. If we do have a kid together, then Destiny will have a sibling and a help to manage our empire.” Garth said softly trying not to wake up his daughter.
The answer Garth gave filled Alicia’s heart with pride and love.
Life took away something important to them but they didn’t succumb to his evil destiny and changed it with positivity and love.
Life never gives everything to anyone in a silver plate. We get things what we deserve and worked hard for.
~~~~The End~~~~