

Life is like a keilidoscope
Life is like a keilidoscope..As you live it so the colors change.. Sometimes life can be dull and boring..Just as a keilodocope is so beautiful and colorful..so is life..

In my life...I have experienced the different colours..My life has been brilliant, amazing and also difficult..So my name is Andrisha ..and this is more story ..Just as a keiloddope reflects beautiful colours..as you turn it..God had reflected...His brilliant colour ..anointing..His light..His spectacular joy..love.. and saving grace..and everything that is beautiful upon my life ..when I experienced difficult days...

This made my problems just melt away..Then Jesus radiated His beauty and His kindness, compassion and extreme power upon my life..

In my life...at the moment..I'm going through difficult times.. but I know God will see me through the problems I'm facing..but through it all I will never give up on God.

Sometimes I think my life can be compared to the book of Job in the bible..Job at first had a beautiful life..then everything was taken away from Him..because God and the enemy...made a deal ..which was..what the enemy said..take everything from Job..and see if He will still trust in you..God allowed the enemy to take away everything from Job..He went through the worst..He lost his family ..his friends.. was inflicted with painful boils upon His body..but He still trusted in Jesus through it all and finally God rewarded Job with long life and He gave him back everything he had lost..

So my advice to you is..always trust in God..life can be beautiful..just remember there is a God out there who loves you.. never give up.