

The Key To Your Heart
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it. At first, he thought it to be a list of instructions until he unfolded the paper, which turned out to be a letter.

A letter from his late wife.
Before she parted from life,
She had written a letter
To her Mr.Right.

"My dear light,

I want you to live, even after I leave.
I want you to live, through the days of the weeks that go on to make up months, which further on become years after years.
I want you to live life. Live my share of it too. Live a great one, with the ones you love and the ones you will love.

I remember the times
You said to me that I am a fighter
And I will win.
I remember giving you a smile.
I remember knowing it in my mind,
That I was about to lose this battle
To fate.

I want you to know
That I am satisfied as much as one can ever be with all of the little forever I have had, because I spent it loving you.

But now, they are calling out to me;
To step into what is to come beyond forever.
And I am unable to say "no".
So I wish, for you to let me go.

Yes, I am leaving.
But it doesn't mean,
You have to keep weeping.

And as I am leaving,
I am giving back the key to your heart.
Use it to open the gates
To the deserving one.

Yours truly,
Till death do us part."

I saw a post on a fan account of BTS today that mentioned about a girl who is suffering from lung cancer, and she says that she's gonna go soon. Hence, I was inspired to write this, she knows that she is going to pass and she's still cheerful, it truly takes courage. This is based on my imagination, that if someone who is about to leave, had written a letter to her loved one then how would it be. Lastly, I just want you all to keep her in your prayers. And thank you for reading❤️
© SheWrites