


Deceived and rejected by his tricks, will she choose revenge or love?

POV - Teresa Collen

There was a party... The mansion was packed with people! Parents chatted with each other. My brother was playing with his friends. We drank wine! What is this party for? Oh, now I remember! I, Teresa Collen, became a military doctor and saved the lives of many soldiers! For my services, they honored me with an award.

That's how I won, and it's also my 24th birthday! That's why we're celebrating it here!

Everyone here was happy! But I'm the only one unhappy! I was so angry with these people, I don't want to meet any of them! Damn it, I cursed them all! Suddenly, the door opened and I just looked there! Everyone was silent, stunned by something! What happened? I thought. Then a group of troops burst into the hall and surrounded me on my side! I still don't understand what is going on? Then I see... A handsome man with a general's squire approached me. My heart stopped when I tried to see his face! Yes, it is him! My first love!
Adam Parker, the country general! My boss and Sarah's husband, my best friend... Adam... I whispered under my breath. His cold eyes locked onto mine as he calmly handed me a birthday present and wished me a happy birthday, flashing a smile. I stood frozen in front of him, trying to hide from him for the past six years, but now he had caught me off guard. I said nothing, silently accepting the gift and hurriedly retreating to the balcony, avoiding his gaze. As I left, everyone rushed to him and started chatting with him.

The party continued on, but I threw away his gift without even opening it. It was driving me crazy. My eyes suddenly fixated on the alcohol. I grabbed the bottle and made my way to the garden.

I found a quiet spot and started drinking in solitude. But encountering him again shattered my peace. It had been 10 years, and memories of my painful past came flooding back. It all started when the Colin family moved to England. It was my first time meeting him, and what a party it was. I was chosen to be Adam Parker's bride. I was content because he was also my first love. He had returned from military service as an adult, and today was the day. We spent 18 years in the Parker family, and he took care of us when we were children before leaving home at the age of 11. The moment he saved my family, my friendship with him turned into love. That's when I realized he was the one for me. I had planned to propose to him, but I wanted to inform my family first. I was so happy that day. To my surprise, both families showed their full support and arranged this engagement. And now, we were about to exchange engagement rings.

But... he refused my ring and approached my best friend, Sara! He announced Sara as his betrothed! That breaks my heart! They were already in love and I didn't know it! Sara's face was full of guilt. Sara was my best friend. She cares about me so much. I even told her about my feelings for him... but she always supported and now I feel cheated! I looked at her, but she didn't look back. Then Adam began to insult me and tell me that he always treats me like his sister, which broke my heart even more. Both of our families have refused their marriage because of Sara's poor status. Sara studied with the support of my family, but it is I who compromised them. I still have feelings of rejection and being insulted by him... it breaks my heart. But... I've overcome the pain. Sarah's silence hurt me even more.

Then I came to know about their marriage. At that time, Adam was just a deputy general of the country. Adam's relatives came to visit me. Adam's grandfather and others came to my house. Anyway, I told them that I buried my feelings. Sister, huh? I am ashamed. Then I decided to stay on board. I came back as a doctor and served my country these years. I wanted to forget about him, but the truth is the harder I try, the more pain I feel. After that, I wanted to live life on my own terms. And now, I met him again!

*I was almost done with my bottle,
then almost got drunk!
Then I saw a shadow appear in front of me!
I couldn't see his face.
The shadow came up to me and whispered in my ear,

"Aren't you a doctor? Do you know that alcohol is dangerous?" I just stared at the shadow and remained silent
because I recognized this voice, and the shadow too.
I slowly walked towards the shadow, and the owner of the shadow's face slowly began to make sense to me!
I suddenly felt dizzy... then darkness engulfed my eyes...

"In the morning... I woke up in a bed!
Wait... that's not my bed!
I was shocked!
What is happening? I checked the blanket and suddenly realized I was naked!
What gives... then I grabbed my clothes and didn't find anyone in the room. My body was full of hickeys!
Wait... I... I want to find out who did this to me! Suddenly, I heard noises from the bathroom,
Yes, the door was open!

"Adam?????" I asked. I was shocked, about to explode.
Yes, he just answered me!
As if nothing had happened!
"You should take a shower," he told me.
I still didn't understand!
I was furious, I ran towards him and pushed him towards the bed!
He was surprised by my attack and smiled at me!
I took a knife and pointed it at him!
"Explain everything to me! What happened yesterday? And where are we?" He looked so calm and said to me, "It's my house and you're in my room!"
My mind was full of confusion!
"What happened yesterday? Why am I with you?" I pointed the knife closer to him.
It seemed like he expected my questions.
"I'm the one who took you away from there. You were drunk and passed out in my hands!
Your family gave me permission to take care of you!
So I brought you here!"

"What? Does my family give you permission? Who cares? And did we do something? Why am I naked? Yes, we did something. He smiled! This made me even angrier. Explain it to me, pervert! I roared! (I never thought he was a pervert. Could a married man do such a thing?) Calling him a pervert had changed his facial expression! Suddenly, he pulled me into a kiss! Suddenly, he pulled me in for a kiss! And pushed me onto the bed! That kiss... I struggled a lot, felt like I was losing control and pushing him away, but there's no point in him dominating! After a few seconds, we both stopped!

I pushed him away and distanced myself from him! My face turned red... My eyes filled with tears! But my heart is always in happiness! But why? He is already married to my best friend! And what is he doing now? Are you crazy? I was mad at him! But he always smiles! It got scarier now! Then he started talking, 'If you want answers, you gotta take them. Take a shower and come to the hall!' He gets off the bed and goes to the closet! What is really going on here? My head starts to explode, so I go to the bathroom!

After an hour... I ended up in the lobby! The Parker family mansion! I see everyone there, including Sara! The Parker family and my family are here too! When I saw Sara again, I was frozen! She rushed to me and hugged me tight. Everyone looked so happy. I thought everyone would kill me for what I did! Did I not seduce Sara's husband? But I'm innocent. I didn't do anything... I was drunk. Then now everyone is happy to see me and Adam together! And Sara's in joy! What's really going on? With curiosity and confusion, I called everyone! I want to know the truth!"

"I want to know the truth! Then Grandpa and my parents watch Sara and Adam! Then Sara came to me! She took me to the courtyard of Parker Mansion! Then I found another man sitting there. It was Adam's younger brother, Ken! I haven't seen my sister-in-law for a long time," he greeted me! "Wait! Sister-in-law? Who?" I asked him. "As soon as you will be my sister-in-law, while my Adam marry you
He told me with a happy face!
I'm staring at Sarah.
Wait, aren't the guys married already? Do you love each other? Then what does he say? I argued with Ken!
No... it was all fake!
Sarah didn't love Adam, and she fell in love with me, and we're already married! He told me!
I look at Sarah angrily.
So, was my pain and loss over the past few years my insane behavior? Am I deceived by them? I was on fire. Did they think I was a doll? I approached Sarah; she hugged me tightly and said, "That was Adam's whole plan. He wanted to propose and test you as a partner, so we all made a plan! Your parents and our family know everything!" She started crying. I didn't say anything to her and hugged Ken's side.

First Adam, Sarah,
Now my whole family has recorded this!
Then I'm a fool!
I said nothing and turned around and walked to the family room.
Ken and Sarah were shocked by my actions.
They also followed me to the hall.
Suddenly, Adam came up to me and held my hands,
and then I barely slapped him in the face.
Above all, everyone was stunned, and an awkward silence filled the room.
Adam didn't say anything.
His face shows that he deserves it.
Then I angrily grab my car key and run to my car.
Everyone was calling me behind, but I paid them no mind.
I focused on my driving!

Then I reached my home. All of a sudden, I packed my bags and got ready for a trip. I left my phone and got everything ready. My tears have not stopped. Yes, I was crying because this is all getting too much for me. I threw my stuff in the room and destroyed almost everything in my room. I cried a lot in my room. My eyes were swollen. Then, my door was forced fully open and Adam came up to me. Seeing him again will make me even sicker. I picked up a piece of glass which shattered right next to me. Then, I indicated it and yelled at him, "Don't come near me, I'll kill you! Traitor!" "Okay, you can kill me because I deserve it," he started talking. "I was tremendously selfish... that's why I did it. All I wanted was to be with you forever. Girl, I loved you when I first met you. My heart beats faster when you are near me. I freaked out when you spoke to me. I'm crazy if you don't come near me. Then, I realized that you are the one for me when I saved your family. You hugged me then, and that's when I decided I would never let you go."

So, I faked it all with the help of our family. I know, I was cruel enough to reject you and insult you in front of everyone! But then it gets complicated. Suddenly, you went abroad and cut all contact with everyone! We tried our best to find you, but we couldn't. When I became a general, I looked everywhere for you. And then, you arrived! Finally, here! I know I overdid it. You can punish me or kill me as you like, but I'm totally in love with you, girl!

# He hugged me and kissed me softly all over my face. My tears don't stop, my heartbeat went crazy. Is it a dream? Yet, I can't stand it! I hugged him back and told him, "I love you too." He was super happy, but I gave him a mean smile. He stared at me with a confused expression. After all the refusal of my love, my personality has completely changed. Yes, now I have back what was refused to me. **You think I will forgive you so easily? I will take revenge! What do you think? I just smirked and told him, "As much as you want, we have a long love life." He smiled and replied to me.

# At last... that moment, our love began to bloom.
❤️ THE END ❤️

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