

Do you know about my religion?
My religion that breeds peace, tranquility and sanctuary,
Many says it's cumbersome,breed violence but are all left in confusion,
The oneness of Allah and HIS remembrance heals the injured heart,
Bowing down in solat makes the hopeless hopeful again,
His infinite mercies are all ascribe in HIS 99 names,
His generosity, mercies, blessings are far beyond imagination,
Alhamdulilah I'm blessed,
Speak not of a religion which peace is in its highest peak,
No discrimination, segregation,no room for classist all equal in the sight of Allah,
Ramadan is here, offer prayers,read the quran, give charity and your room shall be one of deeds,
ISLAM is a beautiful desire,when embraced wholeheartedly,
Truly,with so much truth man were created impatient.

©Charmin Becky