



#Charl's Pov#

Charlotte!! my mum.yelled my name from downstairs telling me to wake up because is time for school. Dont get me wrong, nerds always loves school and doesnt joke with studies and that is same with me but who will actually love to go to a school where you are a victim of bullying.

All the students in the school dont like me because am the teachers favourite. I dont attend high school parties and have fun like a normal high school girl. Mine is to read novels anf have fun.I was brought out of my thoughts when my mum called out my name again "if dont get that lazy ass of yours from the bed i will drag you myself or pout cold water on you"

Immediately those words left her mouth, I rushed out of bed to take a dress and go and bath. I selected a black hoodies with sweatpants amd a white foot. I then went to the bathroom to bath and get ready. In less than an hour I finished and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

I greeted both parents and sat there to eat breakfast. Not less than 30minutes in the kitchen, the bus arrived. I bid my goodbyes and went out to the pit of hell we call school.


#Charl's pov#

I sat at the front seat inorder not go get into trouble. My mind was fiilled with what could happen today but I am a little bit happy because it is Friday and I will get two days to myself before all this bullying thing starts again. You must be asking why dont i tell the teachers or my parents.

I dont think is a good idea because I am strong and can endure it. I dont want them thinking am a cry baby who always runs to her parents for help. My parents are both doctors so they are normally not home.I am most atimes left home to endure the loneliness but i dont complain. I wish I had other silblings to play with but i dont.

What am always thankful of is the magic I have. I can control everything within a twinkle of an eye. My parents dont know of it because they are always busy and i dont want to bother them with it. Since i dont have friends, that is my little secret that keeps me safe and lively apart from books.

When we arrived, I got down and went straight to my locker without making eye contact with anyone because if someone sees me, am a dead meat for all the students in the school.


#Charl's Pov#

I was stopped midways when some girls walked up to me saying"look who we got here"?
"The school nerd."
(other students started gathering around to see the show roll up.)

I dont really know them so i looked up to see two girls standing infront of me. One has a blonde hair and the other has red curly hair. I guess that is how i will be calling them since i dont know their names.
Bl...Ha.. - So how are your mad parents? I hope they are fine.
Re..Ha.. - Aww you are not only a nerd but also a cry baby.
Immediately those words left the blonde girl's mouth, i could feel the rage in me rising because i can tolerate me being insulted but my parents no never.

My eyes colour changed to red and you could feel heat all around me. I havent been angry like this before but today I am and i cant control it. All the students including the two girls where terrified with the look plastered on their faces.

I raised my hand carrying the two blond girls midway with the power raining in me. I said" I can tolerate things you do with me, but no one should ever talk rubbish about my parents" Get that. I left them to fall on the ground and no single soul dared to stay. Everyone including the girls were all gone.

The school compound and all the hallways were empty. I calmed myself down and went to class as if nothing happen. In class both students and teachers couldnt day a single word to me and i was not ahppy with that. I guess news in this school travels like a wild fire. I waited for the bus to arrive when we closed and left for home.

Today school was boring but I guess I have had enough of it. If any one dares to try anything with me on Monday, i will show them where the power lies. The bus pulled up at my house so i got down but one unsual thing. My parents arent suppose to be home by this time of the day butI guess I can see two cars which are theirs around.

I entered and it wasnt a suprise to see them both in the hall discussing some imporatant matter of which i dont know. I greeted them and headed straight to my room but i was stopped midway when my mum said "you are leaving to your aunt's place at California"

I was shocked so i asked her why and she said is for my own good so i guess they have been imformed. I know the principal is not that dump to tell my parents what happened because they know what i will do to them. Am not a bad person but if it comes to my parents, I will be a bad person. I left them and went to pack my luggages.

¢¢¢¢¢To be continued ¢¢¢¢

Please forgive me if you see any grammartical errors. love you all. Please dont forget to vote and comment.

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© dunamiesmd