

Crazy (Chapter 2)
When Pepper was finally on the bus and to her seat in the very back, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was Cedric, her boyfriend. She smiled at him and greeted him. In her rush to get on the bus she didn't notice he was already in the bus seat.
"Good morning, love." Cedric smiles down at her.
The bus started moving as Pepper replies with a happy, "Good morning."
"Are you excited for the last day of school?" Cedric nudges her arm.
"Not at all." Pepper slumps into her seat as the realization hit her once again.
"Why?" Cedric looks down at her, slightly confused.
"I like school. Love it actually."
"Of course." Cedric chuckles. "My little nerd." He puts his arm around Pepper and she leans into him.
They soon arrive to school and Pepper hurries off the bus. She runs to the door only to be greeted by no other than her enemy. Draco. She rolls her eyes as he smirks at her. She tries to walk into the building but Draco sticks out his foot and trips her but catches her right before she hits the ground. (something he does quite often)
"Let me go." Pepper growls at him as she pulls away and continues walking.
"Not even an 'I hate you?' I am offended." Draco follows her as she replies, "I don't 'hate' anyone."
"Oh right. Mhmmmm." Draco smirks and walks off.
Right as Pepper gets to her locker she is greeted by the sight of Cedric talking to a girl that she doesn't recognize. They're looking very flirtatious and like they've known each other for a while.... 'What's going on here?' Pepper thinks. Although wanting to run over there to tell them both off, she keeps calm and turns back to her locker. 'She's probably just a friend he's never told me about. Yeah. That's what it is. I trust Cedric and he loves me so shes just a frie-'
She stops mid thought as she opens her locker and finds a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Lillie's. Attached to the flowers is a little note card. She takes out the flowers and reads the note. "I hope you enjoy these G.G." She, very quietly, reads aloud. She stares at them for a solid 5 minutes. Who would do this? It certainly wasn't Cedric 😒
In the middle of Pepper gaping at the flowers, Draco 'accidentally' bumps into her. She whips around. "What?"
"Hm? Nothing." Draco replies.
"Then would you just leave me alone?" Pepper growls.
"Look darling. I didn't do anything."
"'Darling?'" She scoffs.
"You heard me, love." Dracos smirks and walks away.
She just stands there. At her locker. Dumbfounded. And flustered. Very, very, flustered. She bites her lip, thinking about him. He's her enemy. Her rival. Her opponent. Her foe. She grabs her books for her class aggressively and slams her locker shut. She tries to get him out of her head but... she can't.