

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 8:
The City Of Emeraldia


When I came through the green portal there was a massive and murky swamp spread out before me and Jeia, my familiar.“ We are in the simulated world of Emeraldia, our home planet. In this simulation our strengths and weaknesses will be tested, After this test, we will be able to leave.” He said.
When three giant swamp creatures burst out of the swamp, their grotesque bodies hulking over us. “ What do we do Jeia?'' I ask as the swamp creatures get closer and closer. The stench coming off their bodies makes me gag.“The test must have begun, now, say these words: ‘FOR EMERALDIA’ those words will summon your weapons! ” I did as my familiar instructed and shouted, “FOR EMERALDIA!” Suddenly the smell of freshly cut grass wafted past my nose momentarily masking the swamp stench as a jade-colored light appeared from my palms. “Whoa, that’s neat!” I exclaimed in utter awe, As the light disappeared, in its place was the most beautiful hunting spear I’ve ever laid eyes on. The blade was pure sharpened emerald and had a strange green glow to it, The hilt a strong metallic wood with strange lime green carvings written across it. What should I call it I think to myself as I run my hands over the spear’s long elegant hilt. “Think about that later, we have things to take care of right now!” Jeia chided. “Right!” I say as the monstrous swamp creatures advanced on us. “ Now say these words: ‘ Let the life of Emeraldia flow through me! ’ and we will become the strongest hunting force!” I did as he told me and said: ‘Let the life of Emeraldia flow through me!”’ Suddenly the smell of freshly cut grass once more wafted past my nose as I went through a metamorphosis.
There was a sharp but dull pain at the top of my head as my horns grew in, then there was a tugging sensation on both of my ears as they went pointed and my hearing became sharper than ever, a thin coat of jade green fur grew on my body, as this was happening the swamp creatures were frozen in time. Just then two jade hunting knives appeared at my hips and I grew three feet taller and a little tail sprouted from my lower back.
Then it was over as quickly as it began and the monsters resumed their attack “Oh crap!” I exclaimed, dodging a blow.
“ From what I recall these creatures are called Swamplits and they’re versatile and for every one, you kill another small one that appears in its place.” Jeia said .“So basically what you're saying is, these things are unbeatable?” I asked, a little worried.

“No, what I am trying to say is that there is another way to stop them, all you have to do is combine their life force with yours,” Jeia says intensely. “So how do I do that exactly?” I ask “ First close your eyes focus on your life energy the imagine connecting their life energy to yours when they sense your power they will back down for about 1 minute, so close your eyes and focus, focus on what makes them what they are to their very core, Once you’ve done that imagine grabbing onto that energy and squeeze, that will kill them.”
Jeia says, his instructions put a heavy weight on my shoulders. “Wow, now that’s a mouthful,” I said
So I did as he told me, I closed my eyes and focused on the ground beneath me, pulling some of the energy into me. Suddenly the Swamplits were outlined in glowing emerald green. I could sense something inside them, three orbs pulsing in unison. “Whoa! What the heck are those!” I shout, my voice sounding unusually powerful. “ Those orbs are their life force, now all you have to do is pull it once and they will obey you, pull it twice their dead. Which will you choose?”
Jeia said. So I did the obvious thing and pulled twice, and like a candle, the orbs were snuffed out and the Swamplits vanished in an emerald mist leaving me and Jeia alone.“ Nice job but what do we do now? Jeia asks me. “ Well, we could figure a way out of here.” Just then there was a flash of emerald light and the smell of freshly cut grass and Jeia and I were returned to normal, my fur vanishing like smoke.“ Let's get out of this disgusting swamp then we’ll figure out what to do next.” Jeia said with finality. I’ve decided to call my spear Earthsong because it sounds like it is singing to the earth, I thought to myself Suddenly without realizing it my hand shot out and I touched the ground and focused my power on the earth and felt a rumbling sensation in my hands as a medium-sized boat made out of vines and wood appeared out of the swamp water with the name Emeraldiana written on the hull “Whoa! it’s like my hand moved on its own, how did I do that?” I asked Jeia looking at my hands like they were something foreign.
“ Well, your powers can reach into the earth, to control all living things that include plants, animals, and even create plant creatures to help aid us on our quest,” Jeia said, nodding. “Ok then let's get out of this swamp before another one of those swamp things comes after us,” I said looking at the murky swamp water warily. As we get into the newly created boat we both hear a distant whispering voice telling us where to go. “Follow your instincts they will guide you, you must reach the emerald city, there you must stop the dark jade lord from destroying our world”
That was weird I thought to myself as I got into the boat, “Where are the oars at?” I asked Jeia. “ Summon your power to control the water, calm yourself and breathe.” Jeia said So I did as my familiar instructed I calmed myself, putting everything out of my head, and focused on the water, suddenly I felt a tingling in my fingertips as the strange jade green light and the smell of grass one again blew past my nose and the boat started to move. As we trudged through murky swamp water something got me thinking: ‘ If what Max said is true then all the people that I’ve met they don’t even know, everything that I’ve been told was a lie and the parents that I thought I grew up with aren’t even my real parents. As the realization hit me we came up to an old shack covered in vines, “ What is this place?” I ask Jeia `` I'm not sure, let's investigate.” Jeia said curiously as we got closer I saw a symbol on the shack's run-down door. “What does it say Jeia? I ask him squinting at the small but distinctive ancient letters. “ That is written in Reldian, our home planet dialect. I can’t make out all of the words but from what I can see it says:‘ Live the Emeraldian life with peace and virtue’ Jeia read his nose twitching with contempt. “ What does that even mean?” I say, shaking my head in disbelief. “I’m not sure, hmmm,” Jeia said. “Well, let’s just continue on our way then.” I responded. As we continued down the small river I see something that looks like a city and as we get closer the city looks run-down“ Where are we?” I ask looking around.
“ I’m not sure but it looks abandoned. Maybe we should go check it out, see if there are any people here.” Jeia said warily. “Sounds like a good idea to me!” As we continued on Jeia and I looked around the massive emerald city looking for any signs or clues on how to get back toRaven and the group. Just then I heard a clunking noise to the left of us ¨What was that noise!?” I exclaimed, looking in the direction of the sound. “I don´t know, stay here and let me find out ok?” I nodded and said. “Ok, but be on your guard it could be a trap.” As he leaped off the boat something shot out at him, pinning him to the ground by his leather armor. Startled, I looked in the direction of the projectile and saw a Little green troll-looking thing with a crossbow, the creature running away chittering its little laugh. “What was that thing!?” I shouted to Jeia who was still pinned trying frantically to escape. “ I’m not sure, but whatever it was it got me good. We need to stay on our guard at all times, we don’t know what’s out here.” Jeia said as he shook the arrow out of his armor. “Ok, from now on we stay together no matter what.”As we continued through the small swamp river looking for those creatures we came upon the castle gate its size casting a massive shadow over me and Jeia. “Whoa, that’s a big gate!” I said as I examined it in awe. “ How do we get in ?” Jeia asked no one in particular. “Look Jeia! I see small writing engraved into the bars, “What does it say?” Jeia walked closer to get a better look. his horns bumped me slightly. “ ‘Aun, garua emeraldia’ ” I read. Suddenly The engraving started to glow and the bars started to tremble. “What’s going on!?” I exclaimed. The gate rumbled open and a path appeared in a jade colored light. “Well that happened.” I said unenthusiastically.

© cooljaxon22