

on my own
on my own a lot of people don't understand that it's very true that mentally a lot of people go through a lot of things on them really on and they don't understand where a lot of things happen that be real dark and real secret I did nothing too when it comes to family you don't know how dark and deep things really go until the end of the road where everything's in and where is begin also because we can begin to learn how people judge and use you as a crutch and they don't balance out the things they need for their self but also hurt and try to make you feel bad that you're not in a situation there and but at the same time this is what you been in with way more fun pleasant but God bless me through it all and I cannot thank him enough that now I see things that I've never seen before but I thank God because I was very good to the most people that need to be good too which is parents and I see where now it go back to the old days and old but Iquotes and old slogans that everybody always throw out that how funny some things can come back to and you never know before but it is true that things are what they are and you can't change it right my mail I haven't got any in a while I know it's something funny about it but it ain't nothing I could do about it like my father say that you can't change people people change their self but I fight for right and I don't care I'll just do what I have to do I have my own problems anything people don't understand why you can't get it like I use to I just smart about the best way of doing what I need to do but in the old days children working hard for your parents and show them that they love them just like they're supposed to have been as young but at the same time we got older they so appreciation of their love that was infiltrated to them from being young and I bought my mom's house at 30 and then I bought my own house at 50 with my Dad paid for but he also let me down cuz he just said he robbed me just like everybody else did cuz I paid all the bills and not get benefited from it because I also lost my car but the love for parents I always made sure my parents had my house had my parents had also when I bought him to my house I bought him to their house also I didn't let them starve for anything and I miss you my kids inside for nothing but I can't say I miss you my parents had the best and if they didn't have the best one cuz I didn't try to give it and my kids also had the best and I'm not worried about them all I can do now is enjoy my life and let God bless the rest and so far so good I can't complain and then marvelous my God help me from a betrayal in a marriage friends family and I can't complain I'll thank him so much for blessing me out of the sake of heartache and agony and remorse regret not pity cuz I don't pity because all foster care people don't understand why I when I tell people my kids been in foster care and I went through so much for them and did so much for them and my mom and dad and my kids don't really have to complain and they don't but now they're scared for me that when I go out if anything can happen to me I'm not worried about because I can take care of me no don't know how deep this go because they've been around that the whole life and I ain't nothing I could do about it because I don't care people they don't understand what goes in house but at the same time they don't care they take your kids out and they don't care what happened to them kids they going to be like they have a life of their own so when they get a call saying that one of the kids are gone or miss them they really don't stop the game up in and do what they supposed to do after legal intended people but at the same time I watched it so damn much too it was funny to my child getting place at home and you want me out so much to now I mean it look back at life it is I can't imagine why that now when kids get older and they look back at life and they say God Mommy why is everything happen to me guess what when if you would know never forget your name it will never forget your name your name will always be in foul and guess what if you if you if you have anything going on they will tell me to come back for you and no matter who it is how long it been your name is always something about me I never had a name for myself and another thank you only SelenaellisonI will ever be because guess what I learned a long lesson in Georgia that when people not as smart as you take it offended and it's not personal opinion about anything so it's not personal but at the same time people grow through learning disabilities disabled and everything that is mine of course that you can change if it ain't nothing you can take then guess what you got to depend on God God got no method for everything that he got no he got the whole he got the armor of God and believe me with faith everything work with faith without work is dead but this is my last roll and I'm not going to complain I'm not going to be unhappy but I not only had a house worth 4 years I was blessed to be owner because my dad bought it that same time he was the owner that sold it and caused me lose my car but I thank God that he going to bless everything back and do time and I'm not going to give up I know stop working for a while because I have better business to do my grandson has sickle cell I have to watch him and help my daughter and she has a daughter on leap year morning and I'm not going to complain about what I got to come with God God for me it's for me it doesn't matter who delay not deny but it's okay I'm okay let me quit I'm okay with my life right now I'm happy I'm going to 10 I am unfolded I'm not I'm not unhappy right now so whatever they did in the state of Georgia I wish them well but I do want my life back and I deserve it back and don't care who like it or not I'm going to speak out I need to speak out because gangstalking and identity fraud because you ever loved somebody you would never do anything like that but since I know what kind of people don't listen to county have in it Richmond county have some of the worst people on captivity they find there life hey if you sow anything you shall bring it all back my God said whatever I Lost child come right back just like I lost it
© Selena Ellison