

Confused Identity a Mother's Mistake
Hi, I will be writing a story it's called Confused Identity a Mother's Mistake. It's main character is a sixteen years old named Kylie DeMar who finds herself in a family of people who love her but she still has holes in this family. The family is Fillipino and some fillipinos are light skinned other darker. Could her skin colour mean something else or is it just overthinking? A mother's mistake ! This shows how in our youth we might do things and they pass and we have no reverse effect. A woman gives birth to two children outside her marriage and now has three others . Can one child bring together four families to reconciliation .

Kylie DeMar - a sweet loving journaler and intelligent sixteen years old. She is hardworking , Godly and friendly.
Kevin DeMar - Kylie's dad, he is a not so rich one but rich at heart with love.
Jane Oliver DeMar - Kylie's mom
she is just trying to raise children the best way she can.
Siblings are Kiara a seventeen years old who wants to fit in,Kim a seven year old angel and Kandle he is just nine months old.
Jonathan Kent, Myra Lisie and Cloy Mackson.
Mr. Hamphrey - hot dog place owner.
Hillary-Mr. Hamphrey's son and friend to Kylie.
Dr. John Smith
Kimara Smith
The Mother _Elena_Marrey__________

© Alesi Giorgette