

"Hey, Tricia your mum is back" I heard Sarah say from a midst of my thoughts. "Ooh, okay I will be there in a minute then" I told Sarah.
At this moment I was sitted by my bedroom window contemplating about my dad. I recalled he had told me that he gave birth to a son called Isaiah last year when he came at school to pay me a visit. Now this year he would be making three years old. I really wanted to meet my brother but not looking forward to meeting my step mother though.
I decided to go in the sitting room where mom was to welcome her back from work.
"Welcome back mom!" I said while sitting next to her. "Thank you darling" she replied.
"So are you done packing because your father will be coming to pick you tomorrow." she asked
"Yeah, sure" I replied while fighting back tears, I really didn't want to go but what could I do nothing. This was the only option since my father was a teacher and the school where he was teaching had given me a four year scholarship. I really had to go. Any other person in my shoes would thank God for the scholarship yet I really didn't, instead I started blaming God for trying to change my life. It was like my life had been turned upside down.
"Honey, everything will be okay don't worry." my mom comforted me.I really loved her. She was always there for me.
"Good evening mum" I heard my older brother Vincent say. "Good evening son, welcome back" my mum replied.
"Thank you" He said. I wondered where he was from. Inside of me I was sure that when my brother had heard the news that am soon leaving am sure was very elated knowing that his annoying sister was going to live.
"Alright, I will go and have a bath" mom said and then she went to her room.
"What are you looking at?" I asked Vincent. I immediately followed his eyes and saw that he was looking at the remote. I quickly remembered my soap opera, it was going to start in two minutes.
We both rushed to the remote and bingo! I got it first. "Oh! come on your soon going back to school what is the point of watching it any way" Vincent begun arguing "Just let me watch my match" he added
"No way, I want to watch it for the last time before I leave." I defended myself.
"Whatever just watch what you want" he said throwing his hands in his pocket trousers while going to his room.
" Hahahahaha! I win again, Oh! am going to miss you my television, my sofa and everything in this house.I said realising that this was really going to be my last time here.
"It's not like your leaving forever" I heard Sarah say. Wait was I thinking that out loud my goodness what was happening to me. "You will be coming back for the holidays" she added.
"Its all the same" I said disgusted with the thought of me leaving.

© Perfect Writer